My babies sick again :(

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Another in real life update!! You guys seemed to like the last one I did, so I thought I'd give it another go! Hope you enjoy! :)

It had started off a pretty boring day.  Cody and I had woken up at 8:15 as usual for him to get to work by 9 and I luckily didn't have to work today so I could stay home and chill and get some of the house cleaning done while he was at work so we would be able to just relax tonight when he got off.  We had no plans in particular tonight but he had mentioned something about maybe going to the bar tonight with one of his buddies if I wanted to join.  Of course I agreed I'd go with them as cody typically needed a DD to drive him home after anyways so I would go and just have a drink or two so I was okay enough to drive home.

Around 3 o'clock he texted me letting me know he'd be home soon for his break which he had everyday at 3:30 for an hour so I put a pizza in the oven so that it would be done by the time he was home & he wouldn't have to cook anything.  Almost right on the dot of 3:30 he came through our front door heading straight for our bedroom as I yelled out a "hello" to him. 

He didn't reply and I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion and headed over to our room seeing him curled up on the bed.  "You alright baby?" I chuckled slightly as I made my way to our bed and sat beside him.  "Just tired." He mumbled out and coaxed me to lay down next to him so he could curl up to me using me as human pillow. 

"I made pizza if you wanted it, I can bring it in here if you want." I spoke quietly and he didn't say anything for a minute and I assumed maybe he had fallen asleep already. But he mumbled out a reply of, "I'm not very hungry right now but I'll eat after work before we go to the bar."  I nodded my head and whispered "okay baby." And wrapped my arms around him letting one of my hands run through his hair.

Time went quickly and it was nearing when Cody would need to head back to work and he sat up in our bed looking exhausted.  "You sure you wanna go out tonight? You look super tired babe." I asked as I sat up as a well running my hand along his back as he slipped on his shoes. 

"Yeah I'll be okay, i don't know why I'm feeling so tired but I'll be good." He replied perking up a little bit I assumed trying to look less exhausted.  I nodded and he looked at his watch realizing he was already running a little late & so we exchanged a quick goodbye and I love you's before he was out the door to finish off the day.

6 o'clock came around quickly and soon he was walking back in our front door toeing off his sneakers and greeting me with a kiss.  "How was work babe?" I asked and we walked to our room to get dressed to go out.  He still looked physically exhausted and I was a little worried about him drinking tonight and I had a bad feeling he would not be able to handle his alcohol very well with how tired he was. 

"Boring, I need to lay down for a minute before we leave,  just need a little nap." He mumbled as he took all his clothes off & just curled up under our comforter.  I smiled and closed the curtains telling him I'd wake him up in a bit with some food so he'd have something on his stomach before drinking tonight. 

After about 30 minutes I turned on our bedroom light, carrying a plate of pizza and set it on his nightstand.  "Babe, you gotta wake up, your phones blowing up too your friend is leaving for the bar soon." I spoke gently to wake him.  As Cody woke up he looked a little pale to me. Nothing too crazy, but he was pretty tan naturally and he just looked a little unwell.

"Eat something before we leave, I don't want you to get sick from drinking." I laughed remembering all the times Cody had thrown up from getting a little too drunk on an empty stomach.  He quickly ate 2 pieces of pizza then got dressed and we headed out the door.  He still didn't look well to me but he was pretty open when he wasn't feeling good so I'd assumed he would tell me if something was wrong.

I was wrong.  After spending a few hours at our favorite bar with his friend and many beers and shots for him he said he wanted to go home.  I saw it coming, he looked tired & pale and when he whispered in my ear that he wanted to go home we said goodbye to his friends and headed out to the car.

"I don't feel too good.." Cody whispered leaning his head back against the head rest of the passenger seat and I looked over and placed my hand on his leg.  "You gonna make it home?" I asked not wanting him to throw up in my car if he was feeling sick. 

"Yeah.. I'm not even that drunk, I don't even feel drunk, I just feel sick." He answered and I reached my hand up to feel his forehead.  He was sweating and hot to the touch.  "I think you have a fever, I knew something was wrong with you since lunch, i didn't think you were ill though, why didn't you say anything?" I asked feeling bad for him.  Alcohol on a already sick stomach was not a good idea.

"I felt kinda sick at lunch, that's why I didn't eat, but I didn't feel this bad. Now it's all hitting me." He replied to me pushing his head into his hands, leaning forward.  I assured him we'd be home soon and he just groaned quietly until we were pulling up to our building.

After walking through the front door everything just turned to a blur.  I had started walking him to our bedroom where he could lay down when a dry heave wracked his body forward and his hand flew to his mouth ready to catch whatever came out. Luckily it was nothing and I quickly steered him toward our en suite bathroom where he nearly collapsed in front of the toilet letting out another dry gag.

"Relax baby..." I said gently rubbing his back in big circles trying to calm him down.  "I-I don't wanna throw up..." he breathed out then without even having time to try and reply a heave tore through his stomach sending up the alcohol that was in it.  I spoke gently trying to comfort him as his stomach ached and he threw everything up. 

"My stomach hurts... I'm overheating.." he started to panic.  Cody was never good with throwing up and the fact that his fever was raging was not helping.  I got a wet rag placing it over his neck as he breathed deeply, sitting in front of the toilet. 

"You gonna throw up anymore?" I asked carefully pushing back the hair matted to his forehead.  "I don't know.. I wanna lay down." He replied and I decided it would be better for him to rest & I got him situated in our bed.  I grabbed the trash can from the bathroom placing it beside his side of the bed, knowing he would probably end up needing it. 

"The trash can's right here babe. Just try and sleep, I'm right here." I whispered comfortingly as I got into bed beside him.  He instantly curled up to my chest still breathing carefully trying to calm his stomach. 

The rest of the night was a rough one for him.  Cody was up nearly every hour puking into the trashcan beside the bed, dry heaves wrecking his stomach when he didn't have anything else to bring up.  He ended up having the stomach flu for a couple days my poor baby :(

Hope you guys enjoy!! Sorry the beginning is probably hella boring but I had to give a little backstory for the day!! My baby is feeling much better today luckily :))

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