Migraines and an upset belly

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Louis knew from the minute he opened his eyes that something was wrong. He couldn't quite pinpoint what it was but something in his gut was telling him something wasn't right. He turned to his other side to face Harry and noticed the sweet that coated the younger boys bare back.

Sitting up he peered over at his boyfriend. Harry was visibly shaking and his eyes seemed to move in quick movement under his eyelids making him sweat. Louis frowned putting a hand on Harrys side rubbing up and down whispering his name quietly but loud enough for him to hear. Harry opened his eyes as if he was already awake looking over at Louis with clouded, tear filled eyes.

"Oh honey" Louis cooed pushing the mop of hair off Harrys forehead feeling his forehead heat the underside of his hand. Harry closed his eyes with a sigh as Louis ran his hand through his curls scratching at his scalp lightly then moving to massage his temples which seemed to quell Harrys excruciating migraine slightly.

Harry whimpered as Louis massaged a particularly tender spot of his temple,"do you have a migraine darling?" Louis whispered barely audible to even Harry. With a nod from Harry that caused him to go dizzy for a second Louis slipped out of bed silently.

"Don't go..." Harry murmured quietly from the bed making Louis stop from going into the bathroom,"I'll be right back love" Louis responded moving his way into the bathroom to get what he needed. He soaked a cloth in cool water ringing it out, grabbed a migraine tablet which Louis always kept around because Harry happened to get migraines quite often along with a glass of water before heading back into the dark bedroom.

Harry was curled up under the comforter just few strands of his curls sticking out and Louis placed the items on his side table. Louis rubbed Harry's back soothingly trying to help ease some of the pain his body may be going through. Many times when Harry got migraines his back would start being a pain and his stomach would act up.

Louis gently took the covers from over Harry's head, Harry's eyes opening slightly to look up at his boyfriend with nothing but pain covering his features. "I brought you some medicine sweetie" Louis whispered distributing the 2 small pills into Harry's open palm helping him hold the glass of water as his hands shook. The pills went down easy and Harry relaxed back against his pillow along with Louis which he had stolen from Louis side when he got up.

"I'm sorry you feel so bad baby" Louis mumbled covering Harrys larger frame with the comforter once again laying the cool cloth over Harry's forehead and eyes. Harry shuddered at the cold contact of the cloth going to push it off as his arms and legs coated in goosebumps but Louis held it in place whispering,"hey hey, keep it there. It will help you feel better."

Louis sat next to Harry on his side of the bed running his hands over his arms to keep him warm as well as rubbing circles into Harrys belly which he always claimed made him feel better. Harry whimpered every now and then changing his position painfully till he found the next comfortable spot. Louis felt so bad for his poor baby, and he would take his pain for him any day.

As time passed and Harry seemed to have fallen asleep Louis pulled out his iPad plugging his headphones in as to not disturb the sleeping boy next to him and put on an old rerun of Friends. Harry had chosen the position where he lay on his stomach his head in Louis side the wet cloth pushed against Louis side as well which soaked Louis shirt, but he didn't care, as long as his baby was comfortable.

Louis hand ran a steady pattern over Harrys back and shoulders and occasionally running through his hair. Hopefully some sleep would do the younger boy some good. He was stressed lately and that was probably what brought on the sudden migraine which wasn't very rare.

As Louis was starting the 3rd episode of Friends Harry woke quickly and shakily standing to his feet dizzily shuffling toward the restroom. Louis pulled his headphones out running to get to Harry knowing what was coming. They didn't quite make it and Harry knelt over expelling his stomachs contents all over their freshly shampooed carpets. But Louis didn't care about the carpet, he cared about his baby.

As Harry got a break from that round of vomiting Louis guided Harry quickly to the toilet flipping the lid open for him helping him to sit in front of the toilet as he pulled Harrys hair back into a pony tail. Another round of sick spilled from Harry's lips coating the once clear toilet water in a brownish-pink mush. Louis took in a breath rubbing Harry's back soothingly.

"Louis!" Harry broke the silence with a sob as he gagged nothing coming up. Another gag sent Harry's body foreword still nothing coming up but his head was nearly hitting against the lid of the opened toilet. Louis shushed him as he finally got something up the sick splattering partly on the side of the toilet.

"Hey hey, shhh you're okay baby. Deep breaths" Louis calmed rubbing his bare back as Harry took in deep shuddering breaths trying to catch him breath. He didn't feel good at all and wanted nothing but to be curled up in bed with Louis not being sick all over the bathroom.

After a while of sitting in front of the toilet nothing happening Louis spoke,"are you done sweetie?" He asked in the most calm tone. Harry nodded with another deep breath using the cold cloth Louis had handed him to wipe his mouth off with.

Louis stood up from the squatting position he had been in flushing the toilet using Harry's towel to clean off the rim of the toilet as well as disinfecting it. After cleaning up the mess in the bathroom Louis helped Harry stand up bringing him to the sink to quickly brush his teeth getting rid of the sickly taste.

Passing Harry's sick on the floor in the bedroom almost made Harry be sick again but luckily it was just a cough. Louis got Harry situated back into the bed with one of their sick bowls which were used when they had one too many drinks or on occasions very similar to this one. He grabbed some towels and disinfectant cleaning up the floor quickly but effectively.

After getting rid of the towels Louis joined Harry back in the bed. "I'm sorry" Harry whimpered starting to cry,"Harry, honey shh you have nothing to be sorry for. You're sick, it's okay baby" Louis assured him rubbing Harrys back pulling him to his chest.

Although Louis was much smaller than Harry he still could be the dominant one if needed. And he was surely needed right now. Harry curled up in his arms clingy to Louis like a baby would its mother. Rubbing Harry's back in a soothing manner he fell asleep once again.

Louis grabbed his phone sending quick texts to the boys in a group message telling them that Harry wasn't well and they wouldn't be into the studio that day and maybe not tomorrow either but he would keep them updated. Louis assumed the sudden headache and sickness was from stress of the album coming out soon and the crazy amount of shows they had been doing.

Although Harry seemed like the strong one that never got stressed he was actually the exact opposite. Since the beginning he always got stressed easiest but the boys grew to it especially Louis. A couple days off and lots of rest would surely do the young boy some good for his body.

The boys stayed in bed all day watching silly kids shows when Harry's headache had died down and he didn't feel the need to throw up every second. Louis made sure to make a nutritious, but light dinner that night that would give Harry some energy that he definitely needed.

Although he did end up getting sick late that night/ early morning Louis knew Harry would be okay with one more day of rest and I guess he was right. After another day at home with lots of rest Harry was ready for a rockin show. It went great and he was thankful for Louis.

"Thank you for taking care of me babe" Harry whispered to Louis that night after the show. He definitely couldn't have done it without him. "You're welcome baby, now get some rest so you can be ready for a crazy day tomorrow" Louis smiled kissing Harry one last time as they layed down that night to sleep.

Harry would always be Louis baby :)


AWWWWWWW I AM JUST REALLY FEELING LARRY RIGHT NOS AND WHO DOESNT HAVE LARRY FELES!!!!! So this actually turned out really good cause I wanted to get something out that was super good :) so I hope you guys enjoy and yeah! Make sure to leave feedback and maybe even some requests! Btw Ni wanted me to say hi to you guys and he hopes you like the new album coming soon ;)

Love ya


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