He has food poisoning (Niall)

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You walked into the house finding it silent and very dark.

This wasn't very normal in the Horan household but it didn't last very long as your 3 kids under the age of 10 starting running around the house like crazy animals!

"Kids! Quiet!" You raised your voice a little guessing that Niall was sleeping because work had been hectic the past few weeks

The kids lowered their voices a little running off as you went to set your stuff down.

Then you heard yelling," DADDY!!!" Your youngest screamed

You rushed up stairs seeing Niall holding your little girl on his lap.

He looked up at you as you walked in throwing up all over the bed still holding your daughter on his lap....

"Eww" your daughter said jumping off her daddy running out of the room

You walked over to the bed rubbing his back," you okay?" You asked concerned

"Yeah... " he mumbled

"What made you get sick?" You asked wondering why he would just throw up

"I have food poisoning.. Paul sent me home" he informed you moving to get up

"You wanna go change and shower while I change the sheets?" You asked

"Yeah... I'm sorry" he whispered looking at you a tear running down his soft cheeks

You wiped it away quickly whispering," it's fine love, you can't help being sick"

He smiled slightly at you getting up to have a nice warm shower.


Niall walked back into the bedroom sweatpants resting on his hips seeing the new soft sheets coating the bed.

He smiled thankful for the warmth getting into bed.

"How is it?" You asked walking into the room with some crackers and sprite

"Good. Thanks:)" he smiled his face containing a little more color than before his shower

"You wanna try eating a little?" You asked handing him a couple crackers

"Yeah.. Uh thanks" he whispered taking the crackers risky

He nibbled on the crackers careful not to upset his stomach any more than it already was.

"Lay with me?" He asked seeing you standing by the bed

"Sure." You answered cuddling into the soft sheets with Niall

"I love you baby" he whispered kissing your forehead

"I love you too babe, feel better" you mumbled against his hair as he snuggled to your chest.

You guys fell asleep just like this later seeing pictures that the kids had figured out how to upload onto twitter:)


What do you guys think?? And I know I said I was gonna do different ones but I had this idea so I wrote it:) enjoy!!

Love ya


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