He wakes you up at night sick (Harry)

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You were watching a movie on the couch with Harry where he had fallen asleep.

Harry groaned cuddling deeper to you. He was being strangely cuddly in his sleep

That's when he woke up,"y/n?" He asked

"Yeah babe you okay?" You asked

"My belly hurts" he pouted

"How long has it hurt?" You asked rubbing his sore stomach.

"It just started hurting that's why I woke up" harry told you

"Well what have you eaten today" you asked trying to figure out what could make his stomach hurt.

"I don't really remember but I feel sick..."harry mummbled

"I'm sorry baby.:( do you feel like you might be sick?" You asked

"Kind of" harry whimpered "I don't like being sick" he added

"Yeah babe nobody likes being sick but you just have to get over it" you told him

"Can we just lay down and try to sleep?" He asked

"Yeah but tell me if you start to feel bad okay?" You asked

"I will" he answered


"Y/n I need a bucket" Harry whimpered

You jumped off the couch retrieving the trash bin from the corner of the room placing it in front of him.

Harry looked into the trashing leaning his head back trying to get the nausea to pass. It didn't work too well.

"I'm gonna b-" harry was cut off as vomit projectiles out of his mouth

You rushed to him holding back his curly mob of hair," shhhh.... Baby your okay" you tried to reassure him.

"Ugsndf" harry groaned into the trash

"Babe you good?" You asked him as he was just sitting over the trash

He lifted his head from the trash pushing it towards me," I'm done......I hope" he whispered

You took the trash and brought back a clean one and got on the couch with Harry

He cuddled up to you while you rubbed his belly and you guys fell back to sleep


How wS it!?!? I liked it:)

Love ya


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