Stomach bug Harry (Larry)

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"Hey Lou, Harry's asking for ya." Louis heard as he came out of the loo on their tour bus, making his way into the front room.  Louis stopped with his hand on the fridge, where he was going to grab a drink.  Louis looked in Oli's direction realizing his best mate was laid out on the couch. "He in bed still?" Louis questioned thinking Harry would have gotten up when he went to shower and use the bathroom about 20 minutes ago. Harry was normally the one full of energy as the sun was rising, and Louis liked to stay in bed as long as someone would let him. "Yeah, came out looking for you, but he went back to the bunk." Oli answered back and Louis furrowed his brow slightly as he abandoned the fridge going to seek out his lover.

Walking into the bunk room Louis saw his bunk curtain was closed, meaning Harry was definitely in there.  Harry normally wasn't shy to hang with Oli and Louis' other mates when Louis got busy so it was odd he was cooping himself up in the bunk. "Sun" Louis drew out the uh sound as he sing songed, going to pull the curtain open. The first thing Louis noticed is Harry's back was turned toward him. But what really worried him were the small tremors going through Harry's back as if he was shivering or maybe crying. "You alright, love?" Louis asked as he placed a hand on Harry's back, the tremors becoming more noticeable as he touched him.

Harry had woken up 20 ish minutes ago, finding he was alone in Louis' bunk and although Louis was on tour and had things to do, he couldn't think of anywhere Lou had said he had to be at this early in the morning.  Harry pulled his phone out from under the pillow finding it just past 8 in the morning and as he laid there a second trying to wake himself up some more he felt an ache begin to spread through his stomach.  Placing a delicate hand over the offending organ, Harry winced slightly as his stomach turned uncomfortably beneath his palm.  Taking a shuddering deep breath, before blowing it out slowly Harry started sweating, feeling beads of sweat start to build on his brow and in his armpits.

This wasn't the first time he was getting this feeling though. Just 2 days prior, the first night he had gotten to join Louis on tour, as his own tour had come to an end, the same nauseating feeling had overtaken his belly and he had spent the better part of the first night shaking with nausea, and had even thrown up in the too cramped tour bus bathroom.  Louis of course was worried he had gotten a bug but when the pain didn't last through the next day it seemed they both just slid it under the rug and carried on like nothing had happened. 

"M' not feeling well.." Harry had answered Louis question to if he was alright. He definitely wasn't alright if the turning in his stomach told him anything.  Waves of nausea were crashing over Harry like a storm just waiting to break.  "M-m r-really not well" Harry continued stuttering out as his body shook with the will force to hold back anything from coming up.  Harry would do anything to stop the sickness from getting the best of him. He really did not want to throw up for the second time while visiting Louis. This was not how this trip was supposed to go. But clearly his body wanted him to suffer.

"Whatcha mean, love? You feeling ill again? Oli said you were looking for me." Louis whispered not knowing for sure what Harry was feeling but not wanting to be too loud and make anything worse if his head was hurting. Harry had suffered with migraines in the past, so Louis was well versed on his sensitivity to noise when it did happen.  Harry just nodded, keeping his eyes clamped shut, his back still turned away from Louis who was perched just outside the bunk Harry was curled up in.  Harry took in a sharp breath when he felt another turn roll through his belly, his hand going to hold his stomach tightly hoping to take the pain away, his teeth chattering slightly as his body shook with shivers, but he swore he felt like he was burning up.

"Let me look at you, love.. you're shaking." Louis had a hand in Harry's hair now, trying to brush the short fridge from his eyes, trying to feel his forehead but not having a good angle with Harry turned away from him, and the bunk being quite high up.  Harry slowly started to turn over, not wanting to shake up his stomach anymore than it already was, breathing slowly as he finally faced his husband who was looking at him with all the worry in the world in his eyes.  Harry knew he was probably being a bit dramatic but at the moment he didn't even care.  He hasn't felt this unwell in forever and having Louis there just made him turn into a big softie, knowing Lou would take care of him.

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