He has a stomachache (Harry)

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You were sitting at home waiting for Harry to get home from the studio.

He wouldn't be home for another 2 hours so you decided to watch a movie.

About half way through the movie you hear someone walk through your front door and put their coat in the hall closet.

You got up quietly creeping toward the front door.

It wasn't what you expected.....

You saw Harry holding himself up against the wall with one hand on his stomach.

"Harry!! Oh my gosh... Are you okay??" You quickly ran toward him pulling him into a hug.

"My stomach hurts...." Harry whimpered into your hair

"Aww babe... Let's lay down" you said leading him to the couch throwing a blanket over his shivering form

"How long have you felt sick?" You asked wondering why he had gone to work if he felt sick

"We were recording and I starting feeling sick and then I almost threw up so Paul sent me home." Harry answered looking up at you

"I'm sorry love....it's probably something you ate" you told him

"Probably... But it hurts like hell'" Harry complained

"You want some medicine?" You asked brushing the curls out of his face

"Yeah... The liquid kind?" He asked like a little kid

"Yeah yeah I know!" You said knowing Harry couldn't take pills

You walked to the medicine cabinet getting the medicine bringing it back with some water.

"Here" you held the spoonful of orange gooey medicine in front of his lips

"Thanks" Harry said after taking the medicine laying down with the blanket

You turned off the lights in the den making it darker as you layed down with Harry falling asleep.


Once Harry woke up he was feeling quite a bit better. Not fully recovered yet but he was happy to have to there with him:)


There's Harry! What do you guys think?? I'm always taking requests!!

Love ya


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