He has a migraine (Niall)

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You were waiting at home for Niall to be home at 8. It was only 5 so you had a 3 hour wait ahead of you....

You stuck in The Hangover 2 laying on the couch.

You were just into the movie when you heard the door open and close and footsteps heading upstairs.

You were startled and a little scared to go upstairs to see who it was?

It could be Niall, one of the other boys, but it could also be a robber and that's the thing you didn't want to find out.

You finally built up the courage quietly making your way upstairs.


You opened the door making sure it didn't creak peeking inside.

You sighed in relief, Niall's body layed sprawled out on the bed.

You walked into the room sitting on the edge of the bed," Niall.... Wake up babe" you whispered not wanting to startle him if he was sleeping

He groaned rolling over to face you," hmm?" He hummed

"Why are you home so early?" You asked a normal tone

"Shhh, I have a killer migraine and a stomachache" Niall informed you

"Oh I'm sorry baby" you whispered your once smiled face now a frown seeing Niall in such a distressed state

"Do you want something?" You asked

"Just lay with me...." Niall whimpered never opening his eyes as the pain in his head was blaring

You nodded slipping a blanket over your and Niall's bodies.

You cuddled Niall's head to your chest as to relieve any pain that he could be experiencing.


Y/n... Let go" Niall mumbled trying to get up

You let him out of your grip as he weakly stumbled toward the bathroom in connected to your bedroom.

You heard a retching sound sending you off your feet to comfort Niall.

"Shhhh..... Your okay" you cooed whispering soothing words in his ear as he releases his stomach right in front of you

"W-water" Niall choked our as more sick poured out sending him into distress

You quickly got a glass filling it in the tap setting it in Niall's hands.

He sipped the water slowly trying to get the taste out of his mouth Aswell as to help his migraine.

"Let's go lay down" you suggested helping him off the floor and to bed

After getting him tucked in your placed a cool cloth across his forehead to soothe the ache.

"Sleep, you feel better once you get some sleep" you instructed

He nodded turning on his side as you rubbed his side easing the ache in his stomach till he fell asleep.

You smiled to yourself happy that you had gotten him to sleep:)


Okay people are asking for updates but it's hard to write constantly. You have to have a good idea and you have to have the feeling to write. I whipped this up quickly so sorry if it's not that good....:/

Love ya


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