Him and your kid are sick (Liam)

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Son: Carson 17

Daughter: Katie 6

Daughter: Ky 9


You had been home with your son all day today, him waking up with some sort of stomach problems.

You thought it was the flu but weren't for sure:(


You walked upstairs medicine in one hand a water bottle in the other.

"Hey, how are you feeling?" You asked setting down the supplies on the nightstand.

Carson sat up leaning against his headboard," a little nauseous...can I have some water?" He asked motioning toward the bottle of water you had brought up

"Yeah! Of course.." You said opening the water letting him drink small sips from it

"Thanks mom..." He sighed handing you back the water bottle

He layed back down bringing the sick bowl a little closer to his head.

You sat down on the edge of his bed rubbing his back as he took some deep breaths.

"Do you feel like you might get sick?" You asked worried seeing him breathing heavily

"Yeah..." He whimpered sitting up moving around sending concerned glances toward the bowl.

"Your okay...just try and take a deep breath" you soothed him bringing the bowl to sit in his lap

"I thin-" he couldn't get anything more out as his stomach jumped and he ducked his head into the bowl letting his contents fill the container

"Shhhh... Your fine...shh" you soothed rubbing his back whispering calming words to him

After about 10 minutes he finally was able to stop vomiting and layed down with his head in your lap.

Even though he was 17, he still liked to be babied and cuddled when he was ill.

You sat with him aimlessly running your hand over his back while he slept peacefully.


You heard the door open and the shuffling of feet walking toward the bedroom.

You watched the door as Liam checked the room," hey.." He whispered

"Why are you home so early?" You whispered not wanting to wake Carson

"I'm not feeling so hot..." He whimpered his face turning greener by the second

"Aw hun I'm sorry:( why don't you go lay down and I'll finish up here" you asked while Liam nodded walking out of the room

You moved Carson's head kissing his forehead before heading into your master bedroom seeing Liam lay there pain written across his face:(

"Hey babe... How ya doing?" You asked getting some water bringing it over to him

"Okay...I guess." He whimpered looking up at you

"Did you get sick at work or did the boys send you home?" You asked

"We were recording and I started feeling sick and then I thought I was gonna throw up so I ran for the hall but nothing ever came up but the boys thought it would be best if I took a day or two off to rest" he informed you on the situation

"Okay... Well why don't we try and take a nap?" You asked

He nodded as you snuggled up next to him falling asleep soon after you heard his light snores.


You woke up seeing Liam sitting on the edge of the bed literally panting....

"Babe... Liam what's wrong?" You asked sitting behind him rubbing his toned shoulders

"I don't- I don't feel so well.." He whimpered

"Are you gonna get sick?" You asked concerned getting up to bring the small trash bin closer

"I think so.." He whimpered grabbing the bin holding it between his legs slightly leaning over the trash

You rubbed his back trying to help his nausea pass

It didn't work....

The feeling over took his body as his stomach convulsed and his breakfast poured out of his mouth.

You whispered soothing things to him getting a wet cloth for his neck.


As Liam was finishing up being sick only a few dry heaves escaping his mouth every now and then you heard the girls running up the stairs..

The burst in the room screaming," WERE BACK FROM SCHOOL!!!!!!"

Liam winced at the loud noise trying to hold in his gags.

"Why is daddy holding a sick bucket?" Your youngest asked seeing her dad with one of the yellow sick buckets

"Daddy's feeling a little ill girls... Can you be a little quieter?" You asked them

They both nodded feeling bad for Liam seeing him in pain.

"Why don't you go make daddy and bubba some get well soon cards??" You asked trying to find them something to do other than bother Liam

"Okay!!" Both girls said in union walking off to make the cards.


Although Liam and Carson were sick for the next few days you were able to stay home and take care of them!:)

They were much better soon after and the girls were happy to get their daddy and brother back:)


What did you think??? I think this is a great story idea!!

Love ya


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