Harry one shot

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This is for 1Dsickpreferences HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!:)


Kayla: 10


You and your husband were getting into your football gear for your sons first football game this season!

You walked downstairs seeing your son dressed, ready for the game talking to your daughter Kayla.

"You ready for this?" Harry asked nudging your sons shoulder

"Of course!" I'm pumped!" He informed you jumping a little

"Well let's get going!" You shouted heading for the door

Harry, kian, and Kayla followed after you heading to the car!


You pulled up to the school parking near the feild.

"Let's go!" Harry shouted excitedly jumping out of the car

You and the family started toward the field.

Getting to the field Kian ran off to get some practice in before the big first game.

You guys went and took a seat in the stands watching your son kick the ball around with his best friend:)

When you saw that the gam was gonna be starting in just under 10 minutes you got super excited!

You saw Kian walking toward you a hand on his stomach looking quite green....

Harry jumped from the stands running to him.

What's wrong Bud?" Harry asked concerned

"I don't feel too good..." He whimpered

"Shit! Are you gonna be sick?" Harry asked panicked looking at you

He nodded his head a gag escaping his lips.

Harry rushed Kian towards the bathrooms before he got sick all over the field.


Harry rubbed Kian's back trying to get him to calm down.

"Bud.. Calm down. Your just nervous" Harry had experienced nervous nausea himself and knew he needed to get Kian to calm down.

Kian continued to vomit his insides," dad... Make it stop.." He sobbed over the toilet

"Take a breath." Harry walked Kian through it the best he could

Kian finally stopped getting sick and leaned against the wall of the bathroom stall.

"You good now?" Harry asked feeling his forehead for a fever just incase. Nope.

"I wanna go home..." He sobbed

"You can't go home.... Your just nervous" Harry tried to tell Kian

He continued to let tears fall and Harry just rubbed his back knowing he would be okay in a little bit.

"You ready to go back out? The games starting in a couple minutes" Harry asked your son

"Yeah.." He whispered gettin up with Harry walking out of the bathroom.

After your son ran off to join the rest of the team Harry walked back sitting down with you.

"Is everything okay?" You asked concerned

"Yeah.. He got sick cause he was nervous." Harry informed you

"Like father like son I guess" you smirked at Harry

"I don't do that anymore!" Harry tried to defend himself

"Tell me that when I'm rubbing your back while you vomit your insides before the next concert!" You laughed

"Shutup..." Harry said sounding defeated


Kian's team ended up bringing home a victory and your son was very happy he decided to stay:)


1Dsickpreferences requested this for her birthday and I thought it was a great idea! If it's ever your birthday I would love to write a special one just for you!:)

Hope you like it:D

Love ya


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