Niall sick

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Zayn sat up half awake half asleep in his bunk hearing a strange sound from the bunk across from his. Niall's bunk.

Opening the thick black curtain he listened intently wondering what the sound was. After the sound came again Zayn realized what it was. A sob.

Zayn slipped out of his bunk making the floors on the bus creak whispering Niall's name quietly as he opened up the curtain seeing the Irish lad curled up in a ball facing away from him. A sniff came from Niall's body and Zayn knew that Niall was crying. But why?

"Niall? What's wrong?" Zayn asked his accent thick from sleep as he reached into Niall bunk to tap him on his shoulder

"Nothin'" was the mumbled sound that came from Niall's lips not even bothering to look up at Zayn.

Furrowing his eyebrows Zayn asked again,"Niall seriously what's wrong? Why are you crying?" He whispered a little louder this time causing Liam to turn in his bunk sliding open his curtain hissing a what are you doing to Zayn.

"Niall's crying" Zayn simply stated making Liam change from being a grumpy gramps to daddy direction as he climbed out of his bottom bunk moving Zayn out of the way so he could get to Niall easier.

Niall still hadn't turned around and he quite honestly didn't want to. His head hurt, his belly was flipping and flopping making him want to puke, and honestly he just wanted his mum. She always knew what to do to take care of him and he didn't like bothering the boys with his silly tummyaches saying "they were for babies".

"What's wrong Ni?" Liam asked placing his hand on Niall's back making him flinch a bit. He didn't want them to take care of him. He could deal with this on his own once they thought he was fine.

"Leave m'alone" Niall muttered against his pillow sniffling again letting the tears stop so he didn't draw anymore unwanted attention to himself.

"Niall were not going to leave you alone when you're crying. You don't have to be embarrassed are you homesick? Seriously Niall, were here for you" Liam comforted making Niall feel a tad more comfortable about his illness but still not wanting Liam or any of the boys to know his stomach hurt.

Okay he would tell Liam. But Zayn needed to leave.

"Make Zayn leave...." Niall mumbled still facing the wall of his bunk. Zayn furrowed his eyebrows but agreed to leave Niall and Liam to sort this out. He climbed back into his little cave shutting the curtain falling almost right to sleep.

"Alright look at me Niall, what's wrong?" Liam pushed

Niall slowly turned over making sure to keep a hand on his stomach as his flipped going face to face with Liam,"my belly hurts" he murmured under his breath just loud enough for Liam to hear making Liam's face turn into a slight pout.

"It's okay to feel a little sick Ni" Liam chuckled,"we all get sick, you're probably a little carsick but it may be a bug or something you ate too; do you remember what you ate yesterday?" Liam asked eyeing Niall

Niall thought for a minute before shrugging,"I don't know.. Everything you guys ate" he answered knowing he ate everything they did, nothing different.

"Well so it's not food poisoning, it's probably a bug then mixed with the bus. I think you'll be better in the morning but do you want some medicine to see if that helps?" Liam asked seeming more like a doctor than a singer.

"Yah" Niall nodded his lips quivering a little bit feeling like crying cause he just didn't feel good and wanted to feel better.

Liam walked away to the front of the bus to get some stomach soothing medicine that Harry would take a lot as he was normally the one the bus and traveling did the worse to. He was always sick.

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