Liam and teenager are sick

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Taylor (boy)- 16


Liam finally had a late start so he didn't have to go into the studio till around noon.

He was very thankful as he needed the sleep and you had promised him you would get your son, Taylor, to school.


The alarm clock rang through your ears sending you out of bed shutting it off.

You shuffled quietly back to the bed rearranging the comforter over Liam's body before kissing his cheek heading toward your sons room.


" wake up" you whispered rubbing his back brushing the hair out of his face

"Mom...?" He groaned

"Yeah babe it's me" you answered

"I don't feel very well." He whimpered out looking into your concerned eyes

"Oh honey.." You sat down on the edge of his bed placing the back of your hand to his forehead

No fever.

"What's bothering you?" You asked noticing the normal temperature

"I have a headache, and my stomach hurts" he mumbled out

"Okay" you sighed,"I'll keep you home"

"Thanks" he whispered turning over in his bed to get more sleep

"Feel better bud" you said as you flipped his light switch off closing the door behind you


You walked into your en suite bathroom starting a shower before hopping in to get ready for the day.

As you showered you wondered who was gonna stay home with your son? Liam couldn't stay home from the studio so obviously it was gonna be you.

You wrapped a towel around your body before retreating to the dresser slipping on simple sweats and a tank top as you were gonna be home all day anyway.

As you were brushing your teeth you swear you heard someone call your name?

"Yes?" You called out just incase someone did

"Y/n..." You heard Liam's voice whimpering out for you

You quickly spit out the toothpaste before walking over to the bed.

"Liam?" You whispered realizing he still had his eyes closed

Was he sleep talking?

You were pulled out of your thought when Liam mumbled,"wanna stay home.."

You were slightly concerned as Liam never wanted to take away from the fans and stay him.

"Why baby? What's wrong?" You asked sitting down on the bed raking your freshly manicured nails through his hair

You heard him sniffle and a tear escaped through his closed eyes.

"Oh honey, what's wrong?" You asked seeing the tears fall which you quickly wiped away with your thumb,"what's wrong baby?"

"I-I don't feel good" he choked out still keeping his eyes squeezed shut

"Okay, you don't have to go in, it's okay" you whispered moving the comforter back to rub his back which was hot with fever


After a quiet silence you asked,"can you open your eyes?"

Liam's eyes slid open and you saw they were red rimmed and glassed over.

"I'm sorry you feel so bad, Taylor's sick too" you whispered informing him

"He is?" He asked

"Yeah, can you tell me what hurts or what's bothering you?" You asked trying to see if they had the same thing

Liam had a fever when Taylor didn't so that's weird.

"My stomach hurts" he whimpered out into his pillow which was wet with tears

"Taylor's stomach hurts too, does your head hurt? Your throat?" You asked trying to find his exact symptoms

"No.. Just my stomach, I'm really nauseous" he answered

You nodded,"alright I'm gonna call in for for us and call Taylor's school and I'll be back" you said

Liam nodded before whispering barley audibly,"hurry back"

God he was cute:)


After you had called in everybody you were headed back upstairs to check on Taylor and see how he was doing.

"Taylor.... Bud you sleeping?" You asked padding into his room softly

"No..." He groaned

"Here take some medicine" you said as he turned taking it from you gulping it down quickly before lying back down

"Dads sick too" you informed him

"Cool" he mumbled not really caring about anything but getting some sleep

"Alright I'm gonna go lay with dad, call me if you need anything" you said kissing his forehead

Taylor nodded right before you left heading into your and Liam's shared room.

You walked in with a sick bucket remembering he had said he felt very nauseous.

"Liam.. Baby I'm back" you whispered slipping into the bed beside him

"I don't f-feel very good" he said turning over cuddling into your chest

"I know honey, I'm so sorry" you said sadly

He hadn't responded until you heard him choke out a sob.

"Baby" you whispered

"Y/n!!" Liam cried causing a gag to escape his closed lips

His hand flew to his mouth as you quickly grabbed the sick bucket set on your nightstand placing it in front of him in his lap.

He leaned over it gagging again nothing coming up.

"Shh, babe calm down. Take a deep breath" you soothed knowing he didn't like getting sick

"I-I don't like th-this!" He continued to cry as a forceful heave sent his back arching forward everything he had eaten in the last 24 hours pouring out of his mouth

"Y/n.....y/n..... Y/n..." He continued to cry out your name in between each heave

"Calm down honey..." You said staying calm as to not worry him

After countless minutes of vomiting it came to a stop and Liam let out a choked cry going into a crying fit.

You quickly wiped his mouth with a tissue setting the bucket on the table before bringing him to your chest.

"Shhh... You're okay" you reassured

"I-I-I got sick!"'he cried

"Shh, I know baby" you shushed


You guys had sat cuddling letting Liam cry into your chest and before you knew it he was passed out from exhaustion.

You cooed at his puppy dog face laying him back against his pillow.

You pulled the large comforter over y'all's bodies cuddling back into him.

"Sleep well baby" you whispered before falling into sleep next to your love

His face went from the cute pout to a small smile having you cuddled into his side:)


OH MY GOD.... I'm soooooo sorry I haven't posted!! I seriously just didn't have the motivation to write and I'm so sorry!:( please don't be mad:/ I love you all so much and I wrote this just for y'all:) I hope you guys enjoy! Feedback is always welcome:)

Love ya


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