Niam stomach flu

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Niall and Liam had gotten home from the studio and were sitting around eating dinner in a peaceful silence.

Normally they would be talking but Liam had been off all day.

Niall wasn't really sure what was wrong with him but he didn't mind he was probably just having a bad day.

"I'm gonna head upstairs" Liam whispered pushing back his chair leaving his dinner as Niall watched Liam climb his way up the spiral staircase and close the bedroom door behind himself

Niall sat their quietly finishing off his dinner quickly before washing his and Liam's dishes as well as cleaning up the kitchen.

As he finished up he drug himself up the staircase to see if everything was okay with Liam. Everybody had bad days but he was acting really strange and he didn't even finish dinner,

Niall walked into the bedroom seeing Liam sprawled out on the bed just boxers covering his bum.

"Li, babe you awake?" Niall asked quietly

"Yeah" Liam sighed nodding his head

Niall slipped off his jeans laying beside him wrapping his arm around Liam's toned back snuggling his head into Liam's arm.

"Are you alright? You seem a bit off" Niall whispered carefully

Liam sighed once again,"I don't know" he whimpered

"What's bothering you baby?" Niall asked as Liam turned his head and Niall saw the tears brimming at his eyes

"My head hurts and I'm just tired" Liam answered back

"Aw sweetheart, you should have said something" Niall frowned running his hand through Liam's hair carefully

"I just wanna go to sleep" Liam whimpered closing his eyes cuddling into Niall's chest

"Alright, let's get under the blankets and we'll see how you're feeling in the morning" Niall said as he moved the blankets back allowing Liam to slip in and he followed

"Goodnight baby" Niall kissed Liam's forehead which did feel a little warm

"Night" Liam replied simply before falling into a much needed sleep


"Niall..." Liam whimpered into the darkness of the room

Liam had woken up just minutes ago his head searing with pain and now his stomach was starting to feel a little uneasy too.

"Ni please wake up" Liam choked out as a bundle of tears fell from his eyes and onto the sheets

"Liam?" Niall questioned as he swore he heard his name being called

"I don't feel good" Liam whimpered once again and Niall sat up in bed flipping the switch on the lamp beside him

"Aww baby.." Niall's lips turned to a frown seeing his lover so sick.

Liam was sitting up on the side of the bed one arm wrapped around his stomach and the other resting on his leg.

"What happened love?" Niall asked moving to sit next to Liam running his hand up and down Liam's tense back using his other hand to feel for a fever.


"I-I don't feel good!" Liam continued to cry more and more

The cries that escaped his parted lips cause Liam to let a gag out. His hand slapped over his mouth as he stood shakily Niall guiding him into the restroom that connected to their bedroom.

"Here ya go baby" Niall said as he lowered Liam onto the floor in front of the porcelain bowl

Liam instantly gripped the bowl, knuckles turning white.

"Take some deep breaths" Niall instructed as he sat behind Liam pushing his hair out of his eyes and running his hand over Liam's hot, sticky, and sweaty back

"Ni-" Liam was cut off when his dinner came pouring through his lips painting the clear water

Niall continued to whisper soothing words into Liam's ear as he was sick over and over again.

"Niall!" Liam choked out a sob as another rough round of sick came barreling out his mouth burning his throat

"I know sweetie, you'll be okay soon" Niall tried to reassure not knowing much he could do for the distressed boy


It had seemed like hours before Liam finally pulled himself back from the toilet flushing the last of it's contents before sitting back against Niall's chest.

"You okay?" Niall asked wiping his mouth with a piece of toilet paper

"Yeah" Liam let out a shaky breath,"I wanna go back to bed now" he said

Niall helped Liam up and slowly walked with him back to the bed helping him get comfortable with a trash bin near just in case.

Niall positioned himself behind him being the big spoon rubbing soothing circles into Liam's till turning, nauseous stomach.

"Goodnight" Niall whispered kissing Liam's lips before they both fell back to sleep in each other's presence.


Morning rolled around and Niall had called him and Liam in being as Liam woke up throwing up all over the bedroom floor.

The next few days had been rough with Liam's sudden stomach flu, but the boys were glad to have them back into the studio after :)


Okay I know this is really short and crappy but it was better than my other one lol so I think I'll be posting more today and they will be some of your guys requests :)

Love ya


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