He gets carsick (Louis)

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You, Louis, and your daughter (6) had been in the car for about 4 hours with 7 more to go. You guys were having a good time watching the cars go by and talking.

You looked to the back seat to see your daughter coloring a picture very concentrated.

You looked to Louis and he had his head bobbing as he slept.

"I have a perfect family" you though to yourself

"Huh?" Louis said looking over to you

You didn't realize you said that out loud," oh nothing babe. Sorry I woke you"

"It's fine I didn't wake up because of you... I have a stomachache." Louis said rubbing his stomach softly

"Are you okay?" You asked eyes still on the road

"Yeah.. I always get carsick on tour I just need to go back to sleep" Louis said closing his eyes leaning on the window

"Okay baby. Tell me if you need anything" you told Louis rubbing his scalp slightly

"Thanks darling" Louis mumbled


Louis still couldn't fall asleep which wasn't good cause if he didn't fall asleep he was going to feel really sick. Your tried rubbing his back but nothing was helping.:(

"Mm y/n......."Louis groaned trying to find a comfortable place for his stomach

"Whatcha need babe?" You asked glancing over quickly at Louis

"Mmmmm my belly..." Louis whimpered

"Shhhh your okay love" you tried to comfort Louis

"*sob* y/n!!" Louis cried out

"Oh baby.... Your okay just relax.... I'm gonna pull over to the next gas station" you told Louis looking for the next stop you could take.

"Mommy... Is daddy okay?" Your young daughter asked wondering why her dad was crying

"Um... He's just a little sick darling." You told her not wanting to worry her

"Does he gots a tummy ache?" Your daughter questioned

"Yeah baby! He does" you told her

"Aww daddy it's okay" she leaned forward in her car seat rubbing her daddy's head

"*sob* *sob*" Louis just cried more and more feeling like he was gonna be sick soon


"Y/n........ I'm gonna be sick" Louis said panicked shooting up in his seat

"Here I'll pull over babe" you said quickly pulling over at the gas station you saw

Louis jumped out of the car heaving forcefully onto the pavement. Nothing came up

"Daddy!!!" Your daughter screamed trying to get out of the car

"No love! Stay in the car" you told her getting out of the car after Louis

You rubbed Louis back as nothing would come out. People were starting to give you strange stares.

"Here babe... Drink some water?" You asked handing Louis a water bottle

He took a small sip.

Then out of nowhere he threw the bottle on the floor gagging having everything come out.

"Shhh.. Babe your okay. Your gonna be fine" you whispered in Louis ear as he cried as more vomit spewed from his chapped lips.

After Louis had released all his contents he sat in the doorway of the car.

"Are you okay love?" You ask as you rubbed his back as he layed his head on your stomach

"*sniff* yeah.." Louis sighed shakily

"Can you sit back in the car?" You asked getting a plastic bag from the glove department," I've got a bag"

He took the bag sitting back in the car while you got in the driver seat.

After 7 hours of riding in the car and many gags on the way, you made it:)


How is it??? I love it!

Love ya


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