Sick Niam

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"Daddy.." Niall could hear a small voice trying to get his attention but he was so tired and didn't wanna get up

But once the voice called again he peeled open his eyes," yeah" he murmured voice still laced with sleep

"Can I sleep with you?" Niall saw his son Cyrus(7) standing by his side of the bed

"Why, is everything okay?" Niall asked a little bit more concerned now

"No.." Cyrus mumbled before climbing under the sheets with Niall and Liam

Niall cradled Cyrus as they both slipped off into the land of sleep.


"Ni... Wake up babe" Liam whispered standing by Niall's side of the bed rubbing his back

"Noooo" Niall groaned just wanting to sleep

After being awaken by Cyrus Niall had been feeling sick to his stomach and could feel a little sore throat too.

"We've got to get Cyrus to school and then we've got to head to the studio" Liam informed Niall as Niall didn't even bother moving

"Come on!" Liam said flipping the covers off Niall making Niall curl into a ball reaching for the covers which were nowhere in reach

"Ughhh" Niall grumbled standing to his feet wobbling a bit as he got hit with a dizzy spell but caught himself before falling

"You okay?" Liam asked placing a hand on the small of Niall's back to steady him

"Yeah, just stood up too fast" Niall lied slipping away from Liam to get ready for the day


Niall couldn't believe he actually looked like that?!

Face pale, slightly green, eyes blood shot yet glossed over, and sweat was pooling on his forehead.

He was sick. Simple as that.

Niall felt a wave of nausea pass over him as he nearly vomited all over the floor of the bathroom but it passed without any "surprises".

"Ni, you almost ready!?" Niall heard Liam call up the stairs of their flat

"Uh,, yeah!" Niall shouted back quickly pulling a pair of sweats on along with a cozy sweatshirt as he was freezing

Quickly he made his way downstairs making his stomach hurt more than before..:(

"You okay?" Liam asked seeing Niall wince holding his stomach

"Y-yeah" Niall said Trying to sound normal and not like he was about to vomit his body's contents

"Alright let's head out!" Liam said excitedly walking behind Cyrus and Niall to the car


They had dropped Cyrus off at school and we headed to the studio now!

"Li..." Niall finally decided he would speak up

He really didn't feel well....

"Yeah?" Liam asked taking his eyes off the road for a split second to glacé at Niall

"I don't feel so well.." Niall whimpered putting his arm around his stomach breathing in a shaky breath

Liam glanced at Niall again worry etched on his face," you okay?" He asked worriedly

"I don't know" Niall whispered putting his head in his hands cradling it

"What's hurting? Your stomach?" Liam asked still occasionally sending worried glances at Niall

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