Louis sick on tour

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Louis didn't know what had come over him. One minute he was laughing and rough housing with his mates and the band and it seemed like the next minute he was pacing the bathroom trying to will his body not to throw up. They were all hanging out, joking about, doing stupid races and playing various games they came up with on tour and as he went to take another sip from his vodka Red Bull he got this overwhelming feeling of nausea and had quickly excused himself to the loo, laughing along to his friends jokes as he tried to leave as quickly as possible, without appearing off. He really didn't need his mates coming after him, messing with him, if he was going to puke. After getting out of prying eyes, Louis quickened his pace trying to get to his dressing room, cause they were all hanging out in a common room, liking to keep his own place quiet when Harry joined him on the road for a multitude of reasons and he thanked the heavens in the moment that he decided that.

Entering the room, he glanced around briefly, not seeing anyone in sight, and if he had frustrated tears forming in his eyes because if Harry wasn't with his mates in the common room and wasn't in their dressing room, then where was he? Louis didn't have much time to think about it cause his stomach did another whirl of disapproval and he was pushing his way into the bathroom door quickly going to stand above the toilet. God this was not what he wanted to be doing right now Louis thought as he finally allowed himself to squat before the basin. He was just about to pull his phone out of his pocket to text Harry and say he needed him when the nausea got to be too much and he gripped the edge of the bowl, burying his head down letting out a dry retch. Shit. Louis' thoughts were working a mile a minute wishing Harry was there to comfort him and kinda wishing he had told at least someone he wasn't feeling right, so he didn't have to be alone.

Louis pulled back taking a deep breath after just dry heaving thinking maybe it was a false alarm but before he could think again his stomach was rolling forward, feeling like he was on a merry-go-round and he was back to holding himself up against the toilet. This time though, wasn't so pretty, with a heaving gag Louis felt the remnants of his dinner and the little bit of alcohol he did consume burn it's way up his throat and out his mouth. And before he even had time to breathe his stomach was tossing again, throat constricting to retch as his back arched pitifully, top of his head hitting the back of the toilet seat. He coughed weakly, trying to calm himself and get a breath in and luckily his body seemed to obey and he was able to take a few shaky breaths.

Still braced against the toilet, Louis hung there for a moment trying to decide if his stomach was going to betray him another time but it seemed he was done. At least for now. An awful ache was settling into his bones and his stomach still felt terrible, but he wasn't mere seconds away from losing it all again. Finally pulling himself back, Louis realized he still had his eyes squeezed shut and when he opened them he had to quickly shut them again, reaching forward blindly to flush away the mess that had been staring right back at him, threatening to make him do it all again.

Peaking his eyes open again, Louis was met with a clear toilet and he sighed, sitting back on his heels, running a shaking hand through his hair which would definitely have to be touched up again after the whirlwind of what had just happened. He pushed back his sweaty fringe, sniffling away the snot that had built up from vomiting, reaching to grab a wad of toilet tissue to clean his mouth off, before blowing his nose, then throwing that tissue in the toilet and flushing it down. He finally built up the willpower to stand up and his head swam a bit, but after being still for a couple seconds, it passed.

He left the closed off portion of the toilets, going back out into the main part of the bathroom, thoughts rushing his head. First of all, what the fuck had just happened? He was fine all day and then suddenly he's vomiting? Secondly, shit the show was about to go on and Louis needed to be on stage in an hour max, and lastly where was Harry? He needed him now. More than anything he just wanted his husband to hug him and tell him he was okay. Louis really was a big softie with Harry, knowing Harry would give him all the love in the world especially if he was ill.

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