Louis catches it (part 2)

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The sickness seemed to be persistent, going into the next couple days Harry was a miserable mess barely able to hold anything down, spending the few days off Louis had before his next shows getting all the snuggles he could ever need from Louis and drinking wayyyyy too much tea because it seemed that was the only thing that Harry could hold down during the duration of the bug.  It hadn't really crossed Louis' mind to distance himself from Harry, or be more adamant about washing his hands after holding Harry when he was throwing up, never having to worry about catching much from him because Louis' immune system just seemed to work more overtime than Harry's did.  But as the day of his next show came, Louis groaned waking up realizing maybe he should have been a little more cautious and maybe he'd forgot to be taking the immunity vitamins that Helene had gotten him after Harry had become sick.

Rolling away from Harry's body, Louis laid there trying to figure out his next step. Harry had thankfully been back to feeling almost 100% the night before, joining Louis at dinner time to eat a bowl of soup and bread and it had stayed down and didn't make him sick at all. And Harry's fever was gone, so the boys had taken it for a win and thought they had finally made it through to the other side, and could spend the next days living it up in each new city they got to travel to together.   Hidden obviously from the public eye, but still together.  Louis rubbed at the side of his head, his fingers digging into his left temple feeling an ache settling deep in his skull, the pain radiating behind his eyes.  But Harry hadn't complained much of a headache, only really once he was already dehydrated and wasn't sleeping much during the night, so this definitely wasn't what Harry just had.  It's just a headache Louis told himself. Right?

Well no wrong.  It wasn't just a headache.  After falling back asleep, hoping to catch a few more hours before he really had to be up and getting ready for rehearsals and his vocal lesson with the beloved Helene, Louis woke alone in the bed.  Reaching blindly to where Harry had been lying in the bunk when he last woke up, Louis felt nothing but the cold sheets.  And the next thing he noticed was the god awful ache in his stomach. Well shit.  He actually caught it this time.  And when the wave of nausea rolled over Louis already aching head, he stilled his movements, steadying his breathing often how he did when he was a little too drunk at the end of the night and his head was swimming as he lay in his bunk trying to sleep.

Although this sickness wasn't as easy to wean off as a drunk sickness, Louis was adamant that he wasn't going to let this get the better of him.  He could handle a stomachache.  He just needed to get a shower and get a little water and food on his stomach to calm it down.  And maybe he needed a cuddle from Harry but that was obvious. He always needed a cuddle from his love. Especially when he was feeling a little worse for wear.  After finally calming the nausea, Louis shakily pulled himself from the bunk, glancing at his phone to see it was 11:30 am and he had his vocal lesson at 12:30 and then rehearsal at 1:30, so he really needed to get going.  He's surprised Harry had let him sleep this long anyways.

With shaky steps, and a hand rubbing absentmindedly up under his shirt on his stomach to hopefully massage out the pain, Louis made his way through the doorway to the front of the bus hearing commotion.  He really didn't want to be around everyone, he only really wanted Harry, but that's what he gets for wanting a fun tour bus right?  When he stopped in the doorway to the large room up front Helene actually noticed him first, smiling softly at the boys ruffled hair sticking in all directions, and his sweatpants and oversized shirt that hung loosely on his small frame. It was definitely Harry's shirt, obviously he didn't look when he had thrown it over his head just seconds ago.

"Speak of the devil" Oli's voice rang out and they must have been talking about waking him based off his comment.  Harry turned quickly where he was sat at the little kitchen table, smiling widely, dimples popping at the disheveled looking man stood in the doorway. That was his Lou. Ever glamorous in his sleepy state.  Louis was glad to see Harry smiling, it had been days of a sad Harry while he was ill and now Louis had to break the news to him that he thinks he caught it.  It was going to crush Harry, knowing he himself had gotten his love sick.  He had to let him know though, knowing how rough it was on Harry's body, Louis slightly feared he would really be down for the count which was really bad timing considering he had a show tonight, day off tomorrow, and then another show.

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