Louis gets sick from stress

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Louis had been stressed all week.

They had tons of interviews that week along with tons of recording for the album.

Along with all the stress it was bring an ache to his head and a nausea feeling to his already weak stomach.

"Harry please help me!!!" Louis shouted from the kitchen

Harry walked on seeing Louis working on dinner," I'm busy" Harry responded getting ready to leave

Louis had had enough," HELP ME! I DO ALL THE DAMN WORK AROUND HERE AND I JUST NEED HELP!!!" Louis screamed at the top of his voice

"Louis seriously you need to calm down!" Harry yelled back not as loud

"I just want help...." Louis whimpered breaking down starting to cry

"No.... Louis..." Harry went over enveloping Louis into a bear hug letting Louis head fall onto his chest

"You need to rest... You've been ill and your just stressing yourself out more" harry informed Louis knowing Louis had been feeling I'll all week

"But I need to finish th-this" Louis whispered motioning toward the food

"Then finish." Harry said sassily

"It's not that easy!!" Louis screamed pushing harry away starting to sob again

"Louis stop crying!! Just finish the food and you'll be done!!" Harry shouted

Louis stomach was becoming really queasy and he felt like he was going to be sick....

Harry watched as Louis's face turned a light shade if green," mate you okay?" Harry asked concerned

"I'm-im-im " Louis cheeks puffed out as his hand flew to his mouth as he vomited into his hand

Harry watched as sick spilled from Louis hand and onto the floor.

"Shit.." Harry mumbled guiding Louis to the sink knowing he wouldn't make it to the bathroom all the way across the living room

Harry rubbed Louis back as he was sick over and over. His stomach convulsed with each heave sending his body forward.

"You doing okay?" Harry asked as Louis was just standing over the sink the remains of puke dripping from his mouth and chin

"Uh huh" Louis whimpered as Harry wiped the vomit from his mouth

As soon as Louis was clean he flung himself at Harry wrapping his arms around him.

Harry followed caressing Louis back as he cried.

"Babe... Come on let's go lay down?" He asked

Louis nodded as Harry guided him by the waist to the couch.

"Do you need anything?" Harry asked as he placed a fuzzy throw blanket over Louis shaking form

"Will y-you lay wi-with me?" Louis whimpered into the blanket

Harry nodded slipping under the blanket with Louis," I love you and I'm sorry for yelling and making you feel sick" Harry mumbled into Louis temple

"It's okay... I'm sorry for yelling and it's not your fault I'm sick... I didn't feel good before" Louis resounded back

"Rest, you'll feel better soon" Harry whispered rubbing louis still sick stomach

Louis fell asleep in Harry's arms feeling almost 100% better when he woke up:)


Whatcha think!??? I haven't seen many stories today?? Can't wait to read more:)

Love ya


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