He eats too much

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You and all the boys were having a little get together being they hadn't seen each other in 2weeks.

There was tons of food, talking, and games at the party.

Niall being the spontaneous one he is decided he was going to try everything on the food table.

It ranged from pastries to hot dogs and chips to different candies.

After hours of eating Niall was already feeling full but very satisfied:)


"Chug! Chug! Chug!" You walked into the room seeing the boys standing around Niall while he held a two liter soda in his hands.

He was already about half way done when you walked in.

"Your gonna be sick after that!" You informed him as he continued to drink

"Nah... I've got a stomach if steel!" Niall shouted pounding his stomach smiling proudly to himself

You rolled your eyes but continued to watch as he finished off the bottle of coke.

"Ugh.. Now I'm stuffed" Niall groaned leaning back on the couch rubbing his obviously bloated stomach

The boys patted his stomach," great job mate!" Louis shouted laughing

Niall could feel his stomach full of gas and food whirling around..


It had been half an hour since the chug and Niall's stomach was really starting to bother him:(

He didn't want to say anything to you knowing you would tout," I told you so" in his face.

He sat there rubbing his achy but nauseous stomach.....

He let out a burp causing his stomach to feel very sick.

He had had enough....

"Y/n....." Niall whimpered walking into the kitchen where you were cleaning up

"Yeah babe?" You asked not turning around continuing to clean

"I don't feel good..." He cried

Hearing him let out a sob you turned around quickly seeing him holding his stomach with tears rolling down his cheeks:(

"Oh babe... Shh your okay" you pulled Niall into a hug rubbing his back

"My stomach hurts.." He whispered to you

You frowned setting your hand on his obviously bloated stomach.

"That's why you can't eat that much and drink that much babe" you chuckled a little

Niall didn't respond as he just started crying more and more hugging you.

"Babe... Let's lay down and I'll rub your stomach okay?" You asked

He nodded heading into the living room with you as he rubbed his stomach feeling sicker by the moment.

He layed down on his back," it hurts.." He whimpered

"I know I'll help you" you responded setting your cool hands on his stomach rubbing small circles on his belly

He moaned as you did this, you decided a little pressure would help.

Pushing into his stomach you felt the gas roll around and food inside his stomach move with the gas.

"Stop!" He abruptly said

He put his hand to his mouth burping quite loudly causing him to gag a little.

"Don't touch it" he said referring to his stomach

"Babe, I've got to help you! You'll feel better once the gas is out" you informed him seeing him breathing heavily

"No..." He whimpered

He sat up on the couch his head in his hands as he breathed really deeply, you thought he might be sick so you brought over the trash can.

"Here babe" you said placing the trash under his head

"I don't want to throw up..." He sobbed

"I know you don't babe... But you look like your gonna be sick" you answered rubbing large circles on his back


Niall's back lurched as his stomachs contents released into the small trash can.

"Sob*" Niall cried as he continued to heave up everything he had set and drink in the past hours

"Shhh... Let it out" you comforted the best you could

After about half an hour of sick pouring from Niall he fell back against you crying.

"Babe.. You okay... Take a deep breath" you murmured in his ear while rubbing his less bloated stomach

"Can we go to bed?" He whimpered looking at you with hopeful eyes

"Of course babe" you answered he long him up

After tucking Niall into bed and getting in yourself you rubbed his still achy stomach as he fell asleep.


In the morning Niall was feeling much better and was glad to have you help him:)


Sorry that was horrible....:/ the next story will for sure be a lot better!

Love ya


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