He wakes you up at night sick (Liam)

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Liam was pretty stressed with all the recording lately that you didn't mind that he when he got home he went strait to bed. You just cuddled up next to him and fell asleep yourself

3 AM

"Love" liam whispered shaking your arm

You turned around to face him,"yeah?" You asked

"Could you get me some medicine I have a migraine and my back hurts" liam whispered obviously in some discomfort

You of course got up to go get what he needed and came back to him with his head barrier deep in the pillow.

You massaged his scalp with your freshly manicured nails as he always loved the feeling on his head

He sighed rolling over," thanks" he said as he gulped down the pills with the water you had gotten.

"How long has your head hurt" you asked as you walked to your dresser looking for massage oil.

"Since I got home.... I left a little early cause I was getting dizzy" liam informed you

"Alright do you want a head or back massage first?" You smiled at him

He smiled gratefully turning over telling you to do his back first.

You hopped onto his bum as the warming oil mixed into his skin releasing stress from his tense back.

You told him to put his head in your lap so you could rub His head. He did

"Let me show you something..." You whispered as you put the oil in your hands kissed all your fingertips and whispered a number into each finger.

You started rubbing the soothing oils onto his forehead and around his scalp. He sighed feeling his migraine lessen.

"How does your head feel?' You asked with a wink

"Surprisingly better! How'd you do that?" He asked

"Can't tell you;)" you smirked kissing his forehead moving the hair from his oiled head.

"Whatever you did thanks love" liam said kissing your lips softly.

You and Liam slept peacefully that night only you knowing that the trick you did was only an allusion to get him to feel like you did something magical on his migraine.

He'll never know.....


That's the last from this prompt!!! And the last tonight! Can't wait to read some of your guys fics!!!

Love ya


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