Larry--sick Louis

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"I can't..." Louis stuttered. "I feel sick..."

Nausea rolled through him. It was like getting hit by a wave, unavoidable and sudden. His face was burning hot, cold sweat breaking on his skin. The urge to gag weighed heavy in the back of his throat like a lump he couldn't swallow. His breathing had changed over from intermittent gulps of air to shallow panting, fast and shaky. 

"Baby, you can lay back down in the car on the way there, we've just got to get going.  My parents are expecting us."  I whispered to him.  I knew Louis didn't feel good, I'd known since he woke up an hour ago with a horrendous ache in his stomach that made him want to lean over and vomit right then and there but he hadn't been sick yet and my parents were expecting us to be staying with them for he week. "You can even lay back in my old room whenever we get there and rest if you're still not feeling well." I told him. 

"I just don't want to be sick there... I want to be at our home... In our bed... Sick in our bathroom... Not there" Louis whimpered out but sat up anyway as I held him in a warm hug.  I knew what he meant, it's no fun to be ill away from home, but he'd be okay soon and I knew it. 

"I'm so sorry baby, I promise you'll start feeling better and if you don't I'll take you back home okay?" I reasoned with him.  It's not that I wanted to force an ill Louis to come, it's just that I hadn't seen my parents in forever and I couldn't leave Louis home, especially if he was this sick.

"O-okay" Louis finally agreed voice cracking slightly as he allowed me to help him up and head toward my car out front.  I got him buckled in and placed a kiss upon his forehead before walking around to the drivers side to get in myself.

After buckling up myself I slid my hand over Louis thigh squeezing lightly,"you ready?" I asked.  Louis only nodded closing his eyes, resting his burning forehead against the window as I pulled away from our house to head to my parents. Hopefully Louis would be alright and it was just a 24 hour thing.

The first half of the drive had been fairly uneventful. Harry drove, with Louis sleeping deeply in the passenger seat. The road was empty before them, and Harry was enjoying the peaceful drive.

At least right up until Louis jolted awake so suddenly that Harry nearly swerved off the road. He looked around in confusion for a moment, then focused his eyes on Louis, his lips pulled tight in a thin line. "I...I think we need to stop the car." Louis muttered under his breath.

Harry quickly pulled off into the shoulder of the road hoping that Louis could hold off on throwing up in Harry's clean Range Rover. Before Harry could even put the car in park, Louis was swinging open his door, throwing his head out just far enough to vomit a thick stream of sick onto the pavement below, breathing heavily.

Harry reached over to comfort his baby,"you alright love?" He ran a hand over Louis sweat soaked back applying a little pressure to get the pressure out of his back. Louis shook his head no, tears starting to spill out over his cheeks as pain washed through his belly. He didn't feel good at all.

"Try taking some deep breathes," Harry said gently. "Take your time."

Louis drew in a massive breath trying to calm his turning stomach. "Can I start going again babe?" Harry asked rubbing Louis neck comfortingly to which Louis nodded, closing his door and buckling back up so they could get to Harrys parents.

Louis leaned his chair back falling asleep as soon as the car started hoping maybe, just maybe he would feel slightly better whenever they got to Harry's parents. Just 2 more hours and he'd get to lay down in a warm bed to sleep for the rest of the day.

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