He gets sick on stage (Zayn)

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You were currently sitting with Zayn's head in your lap as you ran your fingers through his soft black hair.

He had woken up this morning with a migraine and a stomachache.

Typically when Zayn gets headaches or migraines he feels sick to his stomach.

And that's the stage you were at right now......

"Y/n.... When does the concert start?" He whispered

"In about an hour" you mumbled not wanting to hurt his head anymore

"Ugh... I feel really sick.." He groaned shoving his head into your stomach

You just rubbed his back as he complained more and more..


You saw Harry walk into the room trying to be super quiet.

"Hey... Um.. Paul wants Zayn to come and try to walk around to see if he's okay?" Harry informed you

"I don't want to..." Zayn grumbled

"Sorry.... Paul's rules" Harry said patting Zayn's back

You pushed Zayn up walking holding his waist out of the dark room.

As soon as you guys got out into the light Zayn groaned and knelt down on the ground.

"You alright?" You rubbed his back as the other boys ran over to see if he was okay

"I'm dizzy.." He said looking up at you

"Here try and stand up babe" you said helping him stand

"Kk I'm good now" Zayn said walking toward the stage


It was time for the concert and you quickly game Zayn some medicine as he was ushered on stage.

You watched from side stage as the boys goofed off as always:)

You saw the other boys having fun when you saw Zayn go and sit on a prop.

Harry walked toward him and patted his back whispering something.

Zayn nodded his head giving Harry a worried look.

You watched as the next song came on and the boys sang along.

Zayn jumped off the prop with his hand to his mouth rushing toward you.

He got to you but bent down throwing up all over the floor.

He got lots of ews and grosses from people walking by.

Paul shoved a bucket into his hands telling you to take Zayn back to the bus.


The rest of the week you spent taking care if your love and just as Zayn was getting better you heard...

"Y/n!! Niall threw up in his bed!!" Is what Louis yelled


Sorry that sucked:/ I didn't really know what to make the story line about! Sorry:(

Love ya


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