Harry One-shot

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You had been preparing dinner for when Harry finally made it home from the studio.

He had been there all day working on the upcoming album:)

You smiled to yourself when you heard the front door open, close, and then footsteps coming toward the kitchen.

You continued preparing as you felt Harry's arms snake around your waist embracing your softly.

You turned your head to place a kiss on his icy lips cold from the snow.

"Hey baby" you said sweetly

"Hello love, I'm gonna be upstairs alright" Harry responded making you furrow your eyebrows in confusion

"Do you not want dinner?" You asked turning around in his arms

It was then that you noticed his slightly paler face and the glassy look in his eyes.

"Babe? Are you feeling alright?" You asked placing a gentle hand to his forehead

No fever.

"M'fine" Harry mumbled slipping out of your arms that had made their way around his frame

"Are you sure?" You asked still concerned

"Yeah, I just wanna go to sleep" Harry whispered rubbing at his eyes yawning slightly

"Alright.... I'll clean up down here and be up there in a minute alright?" You responded

"Okay" he answered simply as you watched him slowly make his way up stairs to get ready for be

You quickly started to put away the dinner you had made wanting to get up to Harry still having a feeling that he wasn't really feeling alright. He just looked so pale and his eyes were all red and glassed over? That's not very normal for a well person.


Harry had made it to the bedroom finally and slumped onto the bed.

He was beyond exhausted and really just wanted to lay down and sleep away the growing pain in his head and the slight sickening feeling that seemed to be getting worse in his gut.

So he didn't even bother slipping out of his clothes and just fell asleep on top of the comforter with all clothes on.


You were glad to be done with cleaning and raced your way upstairs.

Slowing down you slipped inside the bedroom quietly closing the door behind you.

The sight was pretty heartbreaking.

Harry lay lifelessly on the bed all clothes still on from the day

"Aw baby.." You whispered to yourself walking over to the bed running your hand down his back which lay up on the bed

"Harry... Honey wake up for me" you whispered making him stir beneath your hand

"Y/n.." Harry whimpered not bothering to open his eyes

"Yeah baby, it's me" you answered back to his whimpered call

"I don't feel well" he choked out his eyes parting slightly

"I know sweetheart, I'm gonna be right back" you said rushing toward the bathroom to get a cool cloth and a glass of water


You came back in record time setting the things on the nightstand.

"Harry, love come on sit up" you said helping Harry limply pull himself into a sitting position.

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