Niall sickfic

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Niall lay awake in bed at 3 in the morning trying everything to get to sleep. They day had been long and exhausting but he just couldn't get himself to get to sleep.

After turning between his right side, left, his stomach, and his back he couldn't even stand laying down anymore.

Niall slowly pulled himself out of bed being careful the bed didn't creak and wake you from your sleep.

He took one last glance at you to make sure you were sleeping before he slipped out of the bedroom heading to the den to see if he could get to sleep on the couch.


After getting downstairs he lied himself down on the couch letting out a sigh.

He again waited and waited trying to sleep, but still sleep just wasn't an option!

"Ugh" Niall groaned pulling himself into a sitting position but once sitting up Niall's stomach got hit with a wave of nausea and he could have swore he was about to throw up.

But he didn't.

The sickening feeling was still there and he didn't know what had brought this on so quickly?

He had sat against the couch letting another round of nausea pass breathing deeply before he felt well enough to try and make it up the stairs.

Pulling himself up he limped slowly back toward the bedroom wishing he hadn't got up in the first place.


"Y/n....." Niall whimpered out your name once he had walked into the bedroom seeing your sleeping body lay out on the bed

He walked closer to the bed to your side whimpering out again,"y/n....wake up"

You had heard the call and opened your eyes seeing Niall standing over you looking rather distraughte with a pained expression on his face.

"Baby! What's wrong?" You quickly asked sitting up against your pillow

Niall sniffed,"I don't feel very well" he answered quietly yet pleadingly

"You don't feel good?" You asked eyebrows knitted together in concern

He shook his head wrapping a protective arm around his toned stomach.

"Here sit down babe" you said moving your legs so he could sit by your side of the bed

He sat himself helplessly, and slumped over on the beds edge.

"Alright you've got to tell me what's hurting" you asked sitting next to him grazing your finger tips along his back in a comforting motion

"My tummy hurts and I felt like I was gonna throw up" Niall answered barley above a whisper

It was almost like he felt if he spoke more than the words would make it out of his mouth.

"It's just your stomach?" You asked moving the hair off his damp forehead which was hot with fever

Niall merely nodded letting out a distressed whine bending over on his stomach.

You stayed grazing your finger tips on his back with him hunched over letting you comfort him and try to get his stomach not so upset.

Suddenly Niall spoke,"y/n I feel like I might be sick" he mumbled with a hand resting against his mouth not wanting the sickening substance that threatened to spill to be all over the bed

"Okay, let's go to the bathroom" you said hopping up from your position helping Niall to the bathroom.

Poor baby :(


Reaching the bathroom Niall hunched himself over the toilet feeling the familiar feeling tug at his stomach.

"Y/n...." He whimpered wanting your comfort seeing you waiting by the sink

You got over to him kneeling by his sickly form.

"Baby it's alright, just try and take some deep breaths" you comforted knowing that being sick was always a hard thing for Niall. He just didn't like it, it made him feel horrible and it was simply disgusting.

Niall breathed in a shaky breath letting it out slowly but just as shaky.

"Good job sweetheart, do some more like that" you said rubbing his back with your hand while your other hand was used to help keep him up to the toilet

You felt Niall's body let out a painful retch and you knew what was coming, he was gonna be sick soon.

"Alright baby" you said preparing yourself to hold back his hair and rub his back while also assuring him everything's alright

With one last dry retch everything he had consumed recently came barreling up his throat and through his mouth and nose into the clear toilet water below turning it a gross shade of brown.

Heave after heave barreled up and into the basin as Niall cried helplessly over the toilet just waiting for it to all end. He hated being sick

"Y/n!! I wanna be done" Niall blubbered crying into your shoulder getting a break from the powerful vomiting

"I know honey, you're done, okay I think you're done" you shushed trying to keep him calm before he got sick again.

You brought his head into the crook of your neck letting him finish crying and take a breather as that sickness was horrible on his claustrophobia.

"I can't breath" Niall cried gasping for air feeling sick and the room seemed to be closing in on him

"Alright babe, take some breaths. You wanna go into the bedroom? It's a bigger space" you asked as you watched his chest heave as he tried to get air into his lungs

"Yeah" Niall breathed as you helped him off the floor flushing the toilet before guiding him back to the bedroom


"Alright sit here" you said patting the edge of his side of the bed

He sat as you opened a window even though it was 4:30 in the morning, he needed some clean air.

You sat a vomit bucket next to him you kept for situations like this and drunken situations when Niall couldn't quite handle his liquor.

After sitting and rubbing his back and letting him breath for a good 5 minutes you spoke,"do you wanna try and lay down and go back to sleep?" You asked

He nodded getting himself under the blankets as you shut the window tucking the covers around him warming his shivering body.

You slid into bed behind him wrapping your arms around his waist placing your hand on his upset stomach,"how does your stomach feel?" You asked

"Still feel nauseous, don't wanna go to work tomorrow morning" Niall mumbled closing his eyes

"You don't have to, I'll call in for us and I'll take care of you" you smiled placing a sweet kiss on his temple

"Okay" Niall whispered letting sleep take over his body

"Good night baby" you whispered another light kiss placed onto his forehead

He didn't even have time to respond as he had passed out with tiredness.

You smiled to yourself cuddling your head into his back letting sleep take over your body as well, your arms wrapped tightly around Niall keeping him safe :)


So I was gonna do a sea sick one but I found this half done and decided I would write it :) tell me what you guys think and let's try and get 300 reads ;) and sorry I've been gone, I had 4-5 yours of cheer everyday this week and my life has just been hectic!

Love ya


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