He wakes you up at night sick (louis)

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Louis had stayed home all day with a fever and you thought he was getting better but.....

"Y/n...... Y/n...." Louis whispered shaking you

You turned over looking into his eyes seeing pain written across them," oh baby what's wrong?" You asked

"I threw up.." Louis sighed resting his head on your shoulder

"Why didn't you wake me up babe?" You asked cuddling Louis to your chest

"I didn't want to bother you.." Louis said sadly

"You'll never be a bother Louis... Please wake me up next time" you told Louis

"I will.... I promise" louis mummbled falling asleep.

You kissed his clammy forehead falling asleep yourself


Louis was shaking you trying to get you to wake up

You mummbled a yes

"I don't feel too good" louis told you sadly

Quickly turning over you felt his forehead," is it your stomach babe?" You asked

"Yeah.." He groaned sliding out of bed walking to the bathroom

You quickly followed sitting next to Louis on the floor just waiting for something to happen

You sat there for a while before something actually came up and he threw himself at the toilet

"My belly......" Louis groaned

"Shhhhh" you rubbed his stomach trying to get his stomach to ease up

After another half hour by the toilet Louis was ready to go back to bed.

You practically carried his weak body back to bed, you being the big spoon for a change

Louis was very greatful that you stayed with him all night! By morning he was feeling a little better:)


There's the next part! What do you guys think???

Love ya


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