Liam oneshot

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"Liam, come on babe get up" you whispered into Liam's bunk stroking his hair off his face

He didn't even bother to move so you tried again,"Liam... Get up sweetheart" you said a bit louder this time waking him from his sleep

"What?" Liam moaned burying his head into the red pillow that braced his head

"It's 12 in the afternoon, you need to eat something and get up" you said continuing to run your fingers through his disheveled hair

"I'm still tired though" he whispered turning his head toward you but keeping his eyes closed

You could clearly see the dark circles under his eyes but he needed to get up, be hasn't eaten in a while and when Liam didn't eat he would get migraines which would lead to horrible nausea.

You ran the pad of your thumb over the dark circles whispering,"I know you are babe, but let's get a sandwich or something and then you can lay down again alright?" You asked not really giving him a choice though

"Fine" Liam answered simply pulling his legs from under the covers hopping out of his bunk

You gave him a small smile walking behind him to the front of the bus to make him something to eat.


"Alright do you want a sandwich? Is that okay?" You asked as Liam layed himself down on one of the front couches

"Can I just have some toast?" He answered not really feeling like eating. His head was already hurting a bit which seemed to act with his stomach too.

"Well I think you should eat something a little heavier than that. You're gonna get a headache if you don't get something in your stomach" you responded eyeing him

"I already have a headache though.." Liam whimpered looking at you sadly

"Already babe? See this is why you've got to get something to eat, you'll be sick if you don't" you said walking over to him placing your hand on his forehead which wasn't really warm so you knew he wasn't actually sick, sick.

He didn't respond and kept his eyes closed as he tried to sleep away the ache.

You sighed going to make a ham sandwich to see if he'd end up at least eating a little bit. You couldn't have him get sick or he wouldn't be able to make the show tonight.

As you made the sandwich you kept an eye on Liam making sure he was okay.

After you had made the sandwich you put it on a plastic plate walking to the couch setting it on the edge of the couch.

You kneeled down by Liam,"babe, come on let's eat something" you said waking him as he wasn't fully asleep

He pulled himself into a sitting position seeing the sandwich.

"I don't want that" Liam said turning away from the food you had made him

"I don't care if you don't want it, you need to eat" you pressed

"No" Liam said laying down again closing his eyes

"Yes Liam, you will eat this or I'm gonna get the boys to make you eat" you said a bit more sternly

Liam opened his eyes looking up at you tearily,"I really don't wanna eat it though, I don't feel good" he whimpered on the verge of crying

"Babe..." You sighed "you really need to eat, I know you don't feel good but you'll feel better if you get something in your stomach" you continued moving his hair once again

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