He's sick but has to take your kids to school. (Niall)

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Niall woke up to a pounding in the deep of his skull and a sore stomach:( not the best way to wake up but he knew he had to get your kids to school without you finding out he was sick. He wasn't sure how long he could indure the pain.... But he'd have to try.

Holding his stomach Niall slid out of bed walking slowly to your kids bedrooms. Your twins woke up with ease jumping out of bed and running off to get into their school clothes. But of course your 13 year old son had to put up a fight.

"Y/s/n get up right now I'm not ready to deal with this!" He scolded your teen. "FINE!!!!!" Your son yelled. Nialls head shook and he thought he was gonna fall over. Ah okay close one. Niall walked out of your sons room to get dressed himself.


Niall went to pull on his jeans when a wave of nausea passes through his body and he ran for the bathroom! He stopped at the sink and took a deep breath. Nothing came up but he contemplated waking you up?? But no he couldn't do that he had to stay strong.

Niall finished getting dresses without any mis fortunate things happening. Walking down the stairs Niall was smacked in the face with the smell of eggs. "Shit" niall cursed as his stomach tensed at the smell:/

Niall walked into the kitchen as your kids were sitting at the table eating breakfast. "Daddy you have to pack us lunches!" Your 7 year old daughter told you happily. Niall walked to the cabinet and fridge pulling out the ingredients.

Half way through making the lunches Niall felt his stomach lurch! He knew it was coming and he couldn't throw up in front of his kids or they would wake mommy up. Niall rushed for the bathroom upstairs!


Leaning away from the toilet Niall let out a sigh. He had got everything out of him but his stomach only seemed to hurt worse and the ache in his head was turning into a bad migraine. :( how much longer could he hold up??

Walking downstairs the kids stared at his worriedly. "Daddy your face is really green" his daughter pointed out. "Yeah sweetie daddy is a little sick but I'll be okay." He told them trying not to worry them.

"Your sick dad?" Your oldest asked Niall. "Yeah but I'm fine let's get going!" Niall tried to act normal. "Dad are you sure we can get mom to take us?" Your son asked. "No y/s/n I'm fine I'll be okay once I get home." Niall told his eldest. "Okay...." Your son knew his dad was lying but didn't want to make it worse.

The car ride to school was horrendous! Niall kept feeling his dinner come up more but couldn't get sick in front of the kids. Once the kids were dropped off Niall knew he needed to get somewhere... FAST!

Niall wAs driving home trying to make it but he couldn't not with the nauseating feeling in his stomach. He pulled over on the side of the rode and everything came up again! Niall couldn't stop puking and needed you to come and get him.


You: hello?

Niall: babe I need help...

You: oh my gosh! Niall what happened??

Niall: I need you.....

You:baby you need to tell me where yah are?? Can you do that??

Niall: *street he was on*

You: okay I'm on my way!


Your pov.

You stopped when you saw Niall's car parked on the side of the rode. You pulled over behind his car jumping out!

You saw Niall crouched on the side of the road with a huge puddle of sick in front of him. "Oh baby.... What happened??" You asked as you began rubbing soothing circles on his back. "I don't feel good.." Niall answered back.

"Okay let's go home can you get into the car??" You asked making sure he was done being sick. "Yeah, I think I'm done" niall said. You walked Niall back to the car opening the window so some fresh air could come through the car.

Luckily you made it home without having to stop. Niall went strait to bed and you told your kids all about it when they got home from school and they were happy to make get well soon cards for their daddy.:)


Hope it wasn't too bad:/ I was trying to make it long-ish and good:) hope you like it:)

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