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"I really think you should take the day off..." Liam whispered to Louis as he ran his hand through his slightly greasy hair. Louis had woken up about half an hour ago sick to his stomach nearly vomiting all over their carpeted floors.

Luckily he hadn't, though he still felt incredibly awful.

"I just don't want to be a burden and have to cancel anything because I don't feel good" Louis whimpered not wanting to be a burden on the boys day.

"Baby it's alright! Nobody is going to mind if you take a sick day because you're unwell. I promise. I already texted the lads and they said that they didn't want you doing anything today if you were going to be miserable." Liam answered to Louis.

He knew he didn't want to hold the boys back a day but it would be better than having him be sick throughout the day trying to do everything. He was far too unwell to do anything but lay in bed.

"I guess.." Louis answered curling up under his covers cuddling into Liam's pillow as he had ventured over to Liam's side of the bed wanting to breath in his sweet cologne and just be on Liam's warm side.

"You just stay here, all warm in bed, and I'll get you something to eat and some water, okay?" Liam asked as he placed a soothing hand onto louis forehead once again not happy with the temperature.

Louis nodded closing his eyes turning over onto his stomach as Liam kissed his temple lightly walking out of the room.

What could have made him sick all of a sudden? Liam thought to himself as you made his way downstairs and began making toast and filling up a water bottle for his baby to sip on so he didn't get dehydrated. Liam had been thinking about what Louis had eaten the night before but he had the same thing as him and he was feeling fine so it must've been a virus or something he picked up from a fan.

The toaster popped bringing him out of his thoughts as he set to spreading a thin layer of butter on Louis toast and brought it upstairs.

"You awake babe..?" Liam quietly asked after slipping into the bedroom walking over to his side. Setting the plate and water bottle on the nightstand, he ran a hand through his loves hair.

Louis twitched slightly moving his head so he could see what touched him. He saw Liam standing there and smiled slightly up at him noticing the toast on the nightstand.

"You want to eat and get something in your belly babe?" Liam asked caressing louis upset stomach.

"I just don't wanna throw up..." Louis whimpered.

"This should settle your stomach baby, just try a little." Liam held the bread out to him and Louis nibbled at it taking little drinks of water after each bite to help wash it down.

Liam was sitting next to him whenever he heard a small hiccup come from Louis along with a sniffle. He looked over and noticed louis sipping on his water with tears threatening to spill from his eyes. Oh no.

"Aww baby, what's wrong?" Liam took the toast and plate from him moving it as Louis let out a small cry curling up around Liam's body.

He was feeling so sick.

"Love.. What's wrong sweetie?" Liam whispered again wanting to know what was wrong so he could help him.

"I don't feel good and I feel l-like I'll throw u-up." Louis answered burying his aching head into Liam needing as much comfort as he could get. He was holding his stomach and trying to breath deeply when his nausea rose up a notch.

"Oh no.." Louis whined sitting up covering his mouth as he shuffled off the bed quickly walking toward their ensuite with Liam trailing in his tracks.

Louis stopped at his sink breathing heavily over it heaving dryly into the bowl of the sink. Liam rushed over rubbing his back as it arched and he retched thinking he was going to puke but nothing came up.

"You're alright baby.. Just relax and breath. You'll be okay love" Liam whispered to Louis rubbing up and down his back hoping to add some sort of comfort.

Louis heaved once again nothing coming up. He let out a cry because it hurt so bad but he couldn't throw up for some god damn reason and he just felt so sick.

"Let's move to the toilet baby." Liam helped him move from the sink to the toilet and positioned him over it in case he threw up.

"Im going to get you a pillow and blanket so you can lay down in here alright?" Liam kind of asked but more like told. Louis nodded holding his head up in his hand, with his elbow resting on his knee. He probably wouldn't throw up.

Liam came back a minute later and set one of Louis pillows down on the floor helping him rest down against it before taking their throw blanket and playing it over him.

Louis curled up closing his eyes hoping to sleep some more and maybe he would feel better. Liam sat down next to Louis rubbing his back allowing him to sleep.

After a while Louis woke up with a bad headache and insisted that Liam carry him back to their bed so he could curl up on their comfy bed and not have a lot of light because their bathroom was fairly bright.

Liam helped him back and gave him some more medicine before both boys fell asleep together.

HAHA THIS WAS SO SHORT WHAT?!!?!??11!1!1!!? But I really wanted to get something up for you guys because I've noticed that people have been writing recently :'((((( I really am missing everyone's stories so hopefully this can motivate some people to write lol !
So I hope you guys enjoy this and I will try and update again as soon as I can! I have a few stories started that I definitely want to finish!
Make sure to favorite and comment :)

Love YA

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