Larry One Shot

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Today was one of the few days that the boys had off.

On a normal off day they would stay on the bus or in the hotel catching up on sleep, playing video games, or just hanging out with each other.

But today they were in California and decided it would be a good day to go out sight seeing and shopping.


Harry had woken up feeling a little ill but pushed it aside not wanting to ruin the boys day.

He walked out of the bunk room to the front where all the boys were sitting around eating breakfast talking loudly.

"Nice to see your up now curly!" Liam yelled making Harry wince a little

"Do you want something to eat?" Louis asked Harry

"No.. I'm not hungry" he responded knowing that his stomach couldn't handle it

"You should probably eat something were gonna be out all day" Liam told him going into daddy direction mode

"Ill eat later, don't feel like it now" Harry mumbled sitting down at one of the booths

"Okay" Louis said back looking a little worried at Harry

He did look a little pale and sweaty. I'll just have to watch him louis thought to himself.

"Alright boys get ready were leaving soon!" Paul walked into the bus shouting over the boys hectic talking and Niall laughing

The boys got up heading to get dressed. Harry just hoped he could handle today....:/


The boys were walking around Cali enjoying the heat and they were lucky to not have many fans around.

Walking around wasn't doing much for Harry's already queasy stomach.

He had contemplated telling the boys many times feeling like he might get sick multiple times.

It was when Louis announced that they should get something to eat that Harry's stomach dropped nearly a mile.




The boys answered in sync.

They headed off toward a burger joint as Harry tried to think of something to do cause he COULD NOT eat anything.


"What are you getting?" Louis asked Harry knowing he hadn't eaten at all that day

"Um... I'm-im um not very hungry" Harry stumbled over his words a little

"Mate! You haven't eaten at all today! What do you mean your not hungry?" Niall shouted quite loudly across the table

"Seriously you need to eat" Louis said looking at harry concerned

"Fine" Harry mumbled ordering a small burger while the other boys ordered practically the whole menu

As the food arrived Harry's stomach rolled and he put his fist to his mouth trying to keep his stomachs contents in.

The food was placed in front of him and he knew he was gonna be sick....

"Um.. Uh Louis can I get out?" Harry asked trying to get out of the booth

"Uh... Yeah why?" Louis asked as he stood up

"I have to go to the bathroom..." He whispered barley audible for Louis

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