Sickly belly

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"If you're gonna throw up, run to the bathroom babe." You told Niall as his breathing quickened and his face seemed to grow two shades paler than before.  You and Niall were laying, cuddled up together on the couch when he had told you his stomach was hurting.  That was 10 minutes ago and now he had whispered that he really wasn't feeling well as he sat up putting his head into his hands.

"I don't think I'm gonna throw up I just.. My stomach just hurts for some reason." Niall answered putting his hands over his stomach trying to rub out the pain. 

You weren't really sure what could have caused the sudden stomach pain that Niall was experiencing but you guessed it had something to do with all the time that the boys had been in the studio and all the work that management had thrown at them this past week. He'd been getting up at 5 am to be at work by 6:30 and didn't get home till close to 11 most nights.  He obviously wasn't getting enough sleep that was for sure, and his eating schedule was off along with the food he was eating.  He typically just ate what they had delivered to the studio which wasn't always good food for your body, which was most likely why his stomach was off now.

He leaned forward squeezing his stomach between his hands, letting out a whine as his belly twisted beneath his fingertips.  He felt like something was clawing at his insides trying to pry itself out. 

"What can I do baby? Can I do anything for you?" You asked as your hand lightly rubbed up and down his back trying to comfort him so that his belly pain would go away. 

He shrugged,"I don't know what to do,  I don't know what's wrong... It r-really hurts" his voice cracked and you knew something wasn't right. Niall didn't keep his sicknesses a secret but he never got this upset over a stomach bug. 

"Baby... Shh relax, I'll get you something for your stomach and you just relax okay?" You whispered as Niall started to silently cry.  Your poor boy clearly wasn't well and you were going to do everything in your power to fix it.

You stood up heading to the kitchen to retrieve some stomach relaxers, also heating up a heating pad, hoping it would relax his tummy muscles a bit.

You brought back the medicine, along with a can of Sprite and the heated up pack.  Niall had layed himself back down curled up on his side, facing the back of the couch.  You could tell from the side of his face that his eyes were squeezed shut in pain as his hand veins popped out while gripping his stomach so tightly. 

"Here Niall, take some medicine and hold this to your belly where it's hurting okay?" You handed Niall the pills helping him take a sip of his drink before handing him the hot pack. "Where's your stomach hurting love?" You asked after he swallowed the pills.

"Like in the middle." He whimpered as he held the hot pack against his stomach where he had told you it hurt. You didn't say anything after that, just sat next to him with your hand rested against his side as he lied with his eyes closed hoping to sleep off the stomachache. 

After a while you noticed that Niall had fallen asleep so you stood up to go switch over your laundry that you had heard beeping.  You were folding clothes when you heard Niall start to call for you in a sort of panicked tone so you finished up what you were folding right then, heading for the living room. 

As you walked in you saw Niall hunched over the side of the couch letting out a dry retch as his back arched but nothing came up. 

"Shit, baby you okay?" You rushed over grabbing the waste basket as you ran over holding it under Niall's chin as you inspected the floor to see if he'd been sick already.  The floors were clean so you were good there but as you held the bin for Niall he gagged once again, nothing coming up.  He coughed twice before retching once again. 

You scrunched your eyebrows in worry,"hey love, alright baby relax and take a deep breath. You're okay honey". You soothed concerned why he was retching so forcefully with nothing coming up.

Niall sat back against the couch taking a deep breath hoping that would calm his aching tummy at least a little.  He had his hand over his mouth, scared he would throw up at any moment, not wanting to make a mess. 

"You alright?" You asked still holding the bin within reach incase he started being sick for real.  Niall shook his head as tears started running down his cheeks from the pain he was in.  "I'm so sorry baby, I'm sorry you don't feel good" you said sadly as you brought your baby into a comforting hug.  He clearly was not doing well.

You pulled away and as you did so Niall's hand flew back to his mouth as he retched once again leaning forward for the bin you were holding.  You held it still for him as nothing came out and he let out a frustrated cry as his stomach tried to relieve itself but it wasn't working. 

The crying continued and that seemed to get the pipes working because with one final dry retch vomit poured from his lips into the trash.   It seemed as though that loosened everything and all of Nialls stomach contents started coming out in heave after heave.  He couldn't seem to catch a breath and you feared he would choke.

"Niall, baby relax and breathe, you're okay" you whispered in his ear and as you had told him, he started to relax.  He took in a big breath and that seemed to finish everything up.

"You feeling better after that love?" You asked hoping maybe getting everything out of his system would do him some good.  Niall shrugged feeling drained. 

"I-i don't want to g-go to the studio tomorrow" Niall answered, tears streaming down his cheeks. He clearly still wasn't well if he was telling you he didn't want to go in. He never wanted to miss studio time with the lads. 

"Okay that's fine baby! Ill call Liam and let him know you won't be there okay? They'll understand, everybody gets sick at some point." You told him as he seemed to relax a bit hearing that he wouldn't have to go to work feeling like this. 

Niall closed his eyes once again trying to sleep but you stopped him,"hey babe, let's go up to bed and we can call it a night and sleep in tomorrow okay? You'll feel tons better in the morning baby, especially if you sleep in our bed okay?" You helped him stand up and stood still for a minute while he let the woozy feeling he got when standing up, go away. You got him situated in bed, with a movie and before the movie even got 10 minutes in he was crashed. Face smushed up against your side, one of his legs hung over your body with his arms wrapped around you, you wouldn't want it any other way.

In the morning after sleeping in till noon, Niall and you woke up with him smiling saying he felt loads better and was glad to spend a relaxing day with you.

I always forget to write people's requests because I always just randomly start writing something that I think of and I hope you guys don't mind my random sickfics that I come up with!! 😬 if you request something I will try to actually remember to write them!! Make sure to leave a like and comment for more writings to come!!


Love ya

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