He gets carsick (Niall)

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You were driving down the road with your 3 kids in the back babbling and Niall in the drivers seat.

You were talking to your 9 year old daughter about the latest boy at her school.

"What's his name?" You asked your daughter

"Collin! He's so handsome!" She exclaimed to you

"That's great sweetheart.." You said turning back to face the road taking Niall's hand in yours

"Are you having fun?" You asked him

"Yep...this is fun" Niall said

You guys were driving to his moms house and you had a 8 hour drive ahead of you guys

"Me too!" You said kissing his knuckles


"Babe....babe....." Niall whispered to you as you were asleep in the front along with all your kids

"Yeah?" You asked as you looked over at Niall

"Um....... I feel kind of sick:(" he said sighing

"Are you okay?" You asked concerned

"Yeah... But could you drive?" He asked pulling over on the side of the road

" yeah of course sweetheart.." You said switching places with him

You started down the road again," are you just carsick or did you feel bad before?"

"Just now..." He mumbled closing his eyes rubbing his stomach

"Tell me if you want me to pull over okay babe?" You said putting a hand on his knee rubbing it

"Okay.." Niall whispered falling asleep


You were drinking down the road when you heard Niall groan and try to roll over.

You reached over rubbing your hand down his back knowing his uncomfortable he must have been feeling.

He opened his eyes looking at you,"hey" he said

"Hi sweetie.. Are you holding up?" You asked concerned

"Kind of......" He whimpered trying to turn over again

He looked so pitiful you just wanted to wrap him up in your arms and make him feel better.

You looked over at Niall not a minute later and he had his head between his knees and he was taking deep breaths.

"Honey....... Are you gonna be sick?" You asked looking when the next rest stop would be

"Yeah...." His voice was shaky as his back suddenly heaved and he gagged into the car.

"Oh babe!" You pulled over on the side of the road quickly making Niall throw up all over the car once again

Niall jumped out of the car heaving up again. You jumped out after him running around to his side.

You rubbed his back as he threw up more and more.

"Babe are you okay?" You asked as he stopped throwing up

"I don't feel good..." He mumbled

"Yeah I know baby.." You said kissing his temple

"Do you think you can go back in the car? I'll get you a bag." You asked

"Yeah...." He whispered sitting into the car you going to te back getting out a bag for him to be sick in if he felt sick again


You got everything situated and you were getting into the car.

"Can we go home?" Niall whimpered laying his head back

"No.. Baby we've got to go see your mom." You said sorry for him

"But I don't feel good.!!" Niall told you

"Baby your gonna feel better once we get to your moms house" you told Him as he groaned

"Fine.." He said falling asleep again


So that's the first of the series!! What do you guys think?????

Love ya


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