He has a migraine (Harry)

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Harry was never good with migraines!

Just a simple migraine would send him over the edge and make him feel sicker than ever.

And that's where he was now.....


"Guys.... Please be quiet" Harry whimpered in their dressing room

The boys were running around yelling and joking off while Harry was struggling to keep his breakfast down:(

"No!!!!!" Louis screamed running away from Zayn as he held a bottle of spray cheese

Harry whimpered into a pillow louis screaming echoing in his ears.

"Shut up." Harry whispered just loud enough for the boys to hear

"Harry stop being a party pooper!" Niall joked throwing a pillow at Harry's head

"Stop... I have a headache" Harry whimpered more trying to get the boys to understand how bad he was feeling

"It's a headache! Just take some damn medicine" Louis sassed grabbing the spray cheese from Zayn spraying it all over Niall's hair and body making him scream

"Ahhhh!! Louis!!" Niall yelled jumping onto Louis back trying to pull him to the ground

Harry couldn't take it anymore, he could feel bile rising in his throat.

"Zayn...." Harry whined as Zayn stood and watched Niall and Louis wrestle on the ground

Zayn turned to face Harry," what?" He asked

"I don't feel so good" he said wrapping an arm around his stomach

"Your fine. Stop stressing" Zayn replied

"B-but I think I'm gonna throw up..." Harry whimpered not sure if Zayn had heard him

But he did," your just trying to get attention!" Zayn raised his voice causing Harry to shudder under his skin

"No... I'm-" Harry cut himself off knowing he would be listened to

Harry turned away from the boys walking toward the corner of the room to get away from the boys who he thought would care more about his health.

Before Harry could say anything more his throat released a gag which got Liam's attention but nobody else's.

"Harry..." Liam walked slowly toward Harry as Harry's hand flew to his mouth

"I'm gonna-" Harry knew he wouldn't make it to the bathroom and his stomach lurched one last time as the contents spilled out between his fingers

"Shit! Harry!" Liam rushed toward him as more sick spilled out onto the floor making a huge splash causing all boys to turn around

"What the hell!?" Niall quickly said seeing Harry be sick on the floor for the third time

Liam rubbed his back as he was sick multiple times on the floor making a HUGE mess.

"Is he okay?" Louis asked timidly walking toward Harry feeling bad

"I dunno?" Liam admitted as Harry dry heaved kneeling down feeling extremely weak

"You okay mate?" Liam asked continuing to rub his sweaty back

Harry shook his head wiping his mouth on his shirt sleeve.

"Ugh harry don't do that... That's disgusting" Liam said quickly grabbing a towel that was laying on a table

"Here" Liam said wiping Harry's mouth and nose for him as he was very weak

"Why didn't you say you felt sick?" Liam asked helping Harry away from the sick not wanting him to get sick again from just the sight

"I told Zayn..." Harry whimpered

Zayn felt super bad.. Harry had told him he felt like he might throw up but he didn't listen.

"I'm sorry mate, I thought you were joking around" Zayn said giving his shoulder a light squeeze

"It's fine...." Harry whispered sitting on the couch

"Let's clean you up first" Liam said standing harry back up to clean up in the bathroom


After cleaning Harry up and getting him new clothes Liam layed Harry down on the leather couch.

"Well listen next time you don't feel well." The boys agreed shutting the lights off to ease his migraine

Harry nodded curling up in a blanket that was thrown over him.

"Sleep well, you'll feel better once you wake up" Liam said ushering the boys out of the room to give harry some space

After they left Liam layed Harry's head in his lap letting him fall asleep to his comfort:)


Here's one of my requests !! Hope you guys enjoy:)

Love ya


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