He gets sick on stage (Niall)

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You were on the bus with your daughter watching a movie with her.

Niall was in his bunk trying to sleep before the concert that was gonna happen tonight.

Out of the corner of your eye you saw Niall walk out, hair disheveled, eyes drooped, moving slowly toward you.

"Hey sleeping beauty" you teased as he collapsed on the sofa that you were laying on laying on top of you

"Babe... Ugh... Get.. Off" you gasped trying to breath with Niall's body on top of yours

"No..... I'm tired" Niall moaned curling up more on you

After not seceding on getting him off you just let him lay there


The other boys piled on the bus talking loudly waking Niall from his nap.

He groaned burying his head in your neck," make them be quiet..." He moaned

"Nialler!!!! Grts up we gotta get ready for the concert!" Louis yelled shaking Niall roughly

Niall slowly stood up walking toward the door to get ready but you saw it.... He put a hand on his stomach breathing deeply before following after the boys.

"Something wasn't right". You thought to yourself


You were watching the lads concert live on to tv in the bus with your daughter sleeping on the couch next to yours.

You were keeping an eye on Niall seeing him every once in a while rub his stomach or take long deep breaths.

You saw Niall walking toward Liam...

*Liams pov*

I saw Niall walking toward me looking ready to pass out.

He leaned in and whispered in my ear," I don't feel so good" he sighed

I looked at him worriedly," are you gonna be okay??" I asked scared for my mate

"I don't know..... I feel really bad" He whimpered

"Do you need to leave?" I asked looking toward the back stage

"I think so..... I feel like I'm gonna throw up" he said worriedly

"Okay.. We'll cover for you go get Paul to take you back to the bus" I told him

Niall nodded walking toward the back stage, he started feeling bile rise up and he covered his mouth picking up his pace.

Right as he got back stage his contents spilled out all over the floor and he felt a hand on his back.

He looked up seeing Paul standing there giving him a weak smile.


*back on the bus*

You had seen Niall rush off stage quickly.

You heard your phone ringing, you quickly answered


Paul: hey y/n I'm bring Niall back to the bus.. He got sick

You: oh.. Poor thing! Okay see you soon

Paul: see you soon.

You ended the call watching out the window seeing Paul walking toward the bus with Niall in his arms.

Paul walked Niall in setting him on the couch with you.

Niall scooted closer to you laying his boiling head in your lap, "I don't feel good" he whimpered

"I know baby..." You whispered as Paul walked off the bus to go back to the concert

"Will you rub my head?" Niall asked cutely looking at you with puppy dog eyes

"Anything to make you feel better." You smiled starting to massage his warm head

"I love you.." Niall whispered closing his eyes

"I love you too." You answered back kissing his temple


After the concert the boys ran onto the bus questions spilling from their mouths.

"He's gonna be okay... He just doesn't feel very good" you informed the concerned band mates.

They all smiled thankful that Niall was okay:)


So here's the first of the series!!!! Whatcha think??? Is anybody going to be writing today???

Love ya


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