Larry sick Louis

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Harry made his way toward Louis bunk on the bus as they were traveling to the next city which was about eh 3 hours away. They would normally fly but thought it would be nice to ride the bus because of the short trip.

Making his way into the bunk room Harry pulled back the thick red curtain revealing his pale boyfriend. His hand immediately went to Louis warm back as he slipped his hand under Louis shirt to rub over the sticky, hot skin.

Louis had started not feeling very well late last night and Harry had been nothing but worried. His love wasn't one to get sick very often so seeing Louis so ill made Harry's heart clench wishing he could take on the illness for himself, but he knew he couldn't. He'd just have to stay with him and reassure him everything was gonna be okay.

Louis let a moan escape his lips as he turned in his sleep now facing Harry his lips smacking together before his jaw went limp as he was falling back into his deep sleep that was much needed. They had been working nonstop; going from interview, to photo shoots, ending with a concert almost every night.

Harry watched as Louis mouth was parted and drool was starting to pool in the corner of his mouth moving it's way down the side of his mouth. Harry would normally think this was horridly disgusting but his poor baby wasn't feeling good so he swiped his thumb at Louis mouth cleaning it off.

"Harry.." Louis whimpered his name making Harry have all his attention on the boy, even though it never really left.

"What d'ya need baby?" Harry asked moving Louis messy hair away from his eyes seeing the once beautiful blue eyes now dull, gray and red rimmed.

Louis sniffled,"I'm not feeling good" he responded curling his head into his pillow wanting nothing more than to sleep for the next week. He was horribly exhausted from tour and the sickening feeling in his gut didn't help, neither did the dull ache behind his eyes.

"I think you're getting sick love" Harry sighed continuing to run his hand over Louis back hoping to find the older boy some sort of comfort,"do you want anything; medicine, a drink?" Harry asked sweetly wanting to help in any way to get the lad feeling better

"Drink" Louis mumbled into his pillow not moving his head from the spot it lay his eyes facing Harry

Harry nodded walking off to grab a bottle of water that Louis could sip on and hopefully it would calm some of the queasiness in Louis stomach. Harry had made his way back I to the bunk room handing the bottle to Louis,"here honey, take small sips" he instructed

With shaky hands Louis brought himself into a laying, sitting sort of position bringing the bottle to his lips with shaky hands,"small sips" Harry reminded him once again watching Louis sip from the bottle the cool liquid soothing his throat which was hurting.

Louis handed the water back to Harry curling back into his blankets. Harry positioned the thick black comforter around Louis shoulders as he was shaking, cold, and had goosebumps covering his arms.

Harry studied Louis face as he tried to sleep whimpers and soft whines escaping his lips when the nausea would increase and he would have to fight off the urge to be sick. Harry pouted scratching at the back of Louis head running his hand through his hair,"aw baby.. It's okay" he shushed

After a couple minutes of Harry standing next to Louis bunk Louis eyes opened and he let a tear slip,"I don't like this" he whimpered making Harrys frown deeper, if possible.

"Do you wanna go lay down in the back and I'll lay with you?" Harry asked his boyfriend in the quietest voice possible not wanting to irritate his head. Louis gave a light nod and stepped down from his bunk with Harry's help as they made their way to the back.


"Hey mate, what's up?" Niall asked as Harry and Louis made their way to one of the couches Harry laying down on his side letting Louis curl up to him.

"He doesn't feel too well" Harry answered as Louis shoved his head into Harry's chest, Harry instantly wrapping his arms around Louis small form. He looked so innocent and little, poor thing was so sick and Harry couldn't do anything.

"Oh sorry" Niall hissed turning back to his movie which was playing on the screen. Harry watched over his baby as he turned and tried to find a comfortable position for his stomach. He was failing miserably.

A small gag escaped Louis lips but luckily Harry hadn't heard it and Louis swallowed down the sickening substance squeezing his eyes shut hoping to not lose his lunch right then and there. His stomach was nauseous, it hurt, his head hurt; he just wanted to feel better.

Louis brought his hand toward his mouth placing the back of his knuckles to his lips,"Harry.." He whimpered knowing he was about to be sick

Harry looked down seeing the pale boys face turning green,"shit, let's go to the bathroom babe" Harry quickly got to his feet helping Louis up guiding him toward the toilet which was farther than Louis had hoped.

He leaned down expelling vomit all over the floor in the bunk room making Harry hiss in concern helping Louis over the sick hopping over it himself getting Louis to the bathroom not needing to make a bigger mess.

It was a tight squeeze but Harry got Louis kneeled in front of the toilet. Once above the bowl a weird feeling erupted in Louis stomach making his stomach convulse and everything else poured out of his mouth. Harry comforted his boyfriend by rubbing his back soothingly and whispering comforting words into his ear.

"It's okay baby, you've got it, you're alright" Harry whispered as He continued to heave. It seemed like hours before Louis could even pull himself away from the toilet.

"You okay sweetie?" Harry asked wiping the sick off Louis face, hands, and around the toilet seat as it had spilled over it. A small nod was how Louis replied and that made Harry's heart ache.

"Let's go lay back down" Harry helped him up off the floor grabbing a sick bin before taking Louis back to the back of the bus setting him up in a comforting position for his stomach his bin within reach if he needed it.

Harry smushed himself behind Louis his arm draped over his weak stomach the pad of his thumb running over Louis stomach,"go to sleep" Harry coached making sure the blanket was wrapped around Louis pulling him closer to his chest

Louis didn't waste any time getting to sleep and Harry was glad and hoped Louis could sleep the rest of the way to the next city.


Harry had ended up falling asleep next to Louis and hours later Niall had woken him telling him they had made it. Harry looked down to Louis noticing his still pale face. He had a feeling this wasn't a stupid 24 hour bug.

After waking the sleeping boy and getting him slowly up to the hotel they were staying at Louis collapsed onto the bed holding his queasy stomach whimpering for Harry.

"I'm here" Harry replied hugging Louis to his chest with Louis head pushed into Harry's neck his hot breath over Harry's neck.

Louis ended up sick the whole night and going into the next day. Throwing up here and there making all the boys concerned for their mates health. Luckily they didn't have a show and could let Louis recover.

2 days later Louis woke up feeling much better and everyone was excited to get their crazy Louis back. Especially Harry who was excited to have his boyfriend back and not have to go through the pain of seeing him so sick.

Louis was glad to have a boyfriend like his love, Harry :)


LARRRRRYYYYYY FEEEEELLLLLSSSS!!!! Alright people really like my Larry stories so here's another one :) I really enjoyed writing it so I hope you enjoy reading it ! And send me feedback on what you liked !

Love ya


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