Larry one shot

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"Louis......" Harry mumbled trying to wake his lover up at 4 in the morning

"Hmm? What?" Louis grumbled slightly annoyed because he was being woken up so early

"I don't feel well" Harry whimpered moving closer to Louis and cuddling into his back

Louis turned over placing a hand on Harry's forehead.

"You're a little warm, what's hurting?" Louis asked

"My tummy" Harry said with a cute pout which made Louis smile a little

"Do you want some medicine?" Louis asked going to get out of bed

"No no! Just cuddle..." Harry said pulling Louis back onto the bed

"Okay if that's what you want..." Louis said wrapping his arms around Harry placing a hand on his aching stomach

"Wake me up if you feel worse" Louis whispered before him and Harry fell asleep in each other's arms


Louis woke up feeling a dip in the bed and warmth leaving his side.

"Haz...." Louis moaned reaching out for him

"I've got studio work today, you have off today" Harry informed him

"But, your sick. You can't go to work" Louis said opening his eyes and sitting up in bed to watch Harry as he got dressed

"I'm fine.... It's just a stomachache" Harry told Louis pulling his trousers up

"I don't think you should go.... You looked pretty bad last night" Louis said watching as Harry quickly put a beanie on his head before walking over to the bed

"I'll be fine, I'll call you if I start to feel sicker" harry reassured Louis kissing him on the lips before getting up off the bed

"Bye.. I love you" Louis whispered laying back down as he was still tired

"Love you too boo" Harry responded before walking out the door

But Harry's idea of feeling better wasn't really a correct idea. He still felt extremely sick and if anything from last night he felt more sick. He really didn't want to go to the studio but they needed him to record some parts. He just hoped to get through that day.....


Harry was just getting into recording when he was starting to feel quite ill.

He pulled his phone out to text Louis, but quickly put it away feeling like he would be a burden on Louis.

"Wahhhhhhhh!!" Harry screamed his part during Midnight Memories

But after all the singing harry couldn't bare anymore.....

"Um... Uh, I need to-" Harry tried to push out of the booth but a gag escaped his lips as his hand flew to his mouth

Harry quickly kneeled on the ground heaving up the dinner he and Louis had shared last night.

"Call....... Louis" Harry barely got out as another round of sick splattered onto the ground

* Liam calling Louis *

Louis: hey? You okay harry?

Liam: it's actually Liam, you should pick harry up hes sick

Louis: ugh that boy.. He woke me up saying his stomach hurt last night

Liam: well he's vomited all over the studio so GET OVER HERE!

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