He's sick at work (Zayn)

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Zayn had stayed home the last 2 days with some sort of stomach flu that was going around. You had been taking care of him getting him everything he needed

You guys woke up Monday morning and zayn said," babe I'm going to work! We have a lot to do and I can't miss it"

"Babe....... You were just throwing up last night. Are you sure this is a good idea?" You asked watching Zayn pull on his trousers

"I think ill be fine" Zayn said kissing your lips softly

"Okay call me if you need me to pick you up." You told Zayn as he walked out the door

And with that he was off to work hoping that the ache in his stomach would go away.


The boys were very happy to have Zayn back!

"Hey mate! How ya feeling?" Louis said

"Better.." Zayn said simply walking into the recording studio

"You don't seem better..." Niall said watching Zayn stride past them

"I'm fine.. I just have a headache" Zayn said putting his hand on his head

"Are you sure you should have come?" Louis asked

"Yeah...you want us to take you home?" Harry said placing a hand on Zayn's back

"No no I'm fine! I'll be okay.." Zayn responded the studio manage ushering the boys to come in

After many songs were played it was time for the boys to take a break and go get lunch

Zayn walked to the couch falling onto it closing his eyes

"You feeling okay?" Harry asked putting a hand on his forehead,"you've got a fever"

"I have a stomachache..." Zayn mumbled into a plush pillow

"Why don't you try eating something? You don't have much food in ya" Harry said

"Sure..." Zayn said standing up following the boys to the car to go get lunch

The boys decided on getting panera because they could get something light for Zayn's stomach


After getting their food the boys all started choking down their food while Zayn nibbled on a piece of toast not even bothering with the soup.

"Aren't you gonna eat?" Niall asked mouthful of sandwich

"I don't feel that good..." Zayn said getting up walking towards the bathrooms

The boys looked at each other worriedly Liam quickly following after him

Liam saw Zayn by the sink holding on to it harshly

"Do you feel like your gonna be sick?" Liam asked rubbing a hand down his back

"Yeah...I feel really nauseous." Zayn whimpered walking into a stall sitting on the ground

Liam pulled out his phone sending the boys a quick text

The boys: Zayn doesn't feel very well... Call y/n and have her pick him up from here?


Liam sat with Zayn in silence waiting for something to happen

Zayn whimpered pulling himself up and over the toilet gagging.

Quickly Liam began rubbing his back again feeling sweat on his back," you might wanna just let it out"

Zayn's body convulsed and vomit spewed from his mouth and into the toilet

"Shit! Are you okay?" Liam asked worriedly

"No......." Zayn whispered throwing up Into the toilet again

Liam hoped you'd be there soon


You pulled into panera finding the boys in the back waiting for you

"Where is Zayn?" You asked wanting to comfort him

"Bathroom" the boys said all at once

You quickly jogged off toward the bathroom walking in.

You could smell the vomit walking to the stall with knees on the ground

Liam was behind Zayn rubbing his back as he dry heaved into the toilet. You guys switched places

"Babe.. I'm here. I'm gonna take you home okay?" You whispered in Zayn's ear

"Okay" he whimpered letting you and Liam help him up

You got him in the car with a bucket in his lap just incase

"Feel better mate." The boys gave him sad looks

"Thanks guys!" You said before driving off to get Zayn home.


You only had 2 vomit incidents on the way home and both had been into the bucket

Once Zayn was tucked up in bed you layed down with him rubbing his belly hoping he'd feel better soon:(


That's the end of this series!! Hope you liked it!

Love ya


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