Doctor Tomlinson

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All the boys had gone to a pretty sketchy restraunt last night and had all woken up with a bad case of food poisoning. Of course Louis didn't get it so he was their "doctor"

"Louis....... I need a bucket!" Niall yelled

"Okay hold on I'm coming" louis ran into Nialls room holding a bucket in front of him as Niall heaved up more of lasts night dinner into the bowl.

"You good now?" Louis asked making sure Louis was cleared out for now

"Yeah I'm good....." Niall sighed

"Louis!!" Zayn yelled

"Louis" liam yelled

"Louis!!" Harry yelled

Louis this louis that was he going crazy? He opted to bring all the boys into the living room where he could watch them all without having to run all around the place like a crazy man.

Having all the boys in the living room probably wasn't his best idea........ Once one started getting sick that triggered the next boy and you get the story.

"Louis my belly hurts" Harry said with a pout

"Want me to rub it?" Louis asked him

"Yeah......" Harry sighed into louis touch cause it just felt so good

"Louis I think I might throw up.." Zayn panicked

Louis left Harry to rub Zayn's back as he emptied his stomach into the bowl next to him.:(

"I don't like this....." Zayn sobbed as another gush of vomit arose from his throat and into the bowl.

"Your gonna be okay." Louis reassured him

"Louis!!!!!" Liam cried out

Louis jumped over to Liam and held his bowl for him and he choked out more vomit.

"Sob* sob* ". Liam cried into the bowl

" Your okay Liam" Louis didn't know why Liam was so emotional about this.

Louis pulled Liam to his chest trying to comfort him but Liam continued to sob. Nothing was working.

The intense sobbing caused Liam to heave into the bowl again.  "Liam....stop crying your making yourself more sick"  Louis tried to tell Liam

Liam finally cooled off and fell asleep do to the exaust of puking his guts up.


All the boys were sleeping so Louis went to google to try and find some home remedies.  He came across one that might work....

"Niall will you try this?" louis asked Niall 

Niall looked into the cup that Louis was holding toward him and scrunched up his nose. "No way.. ill get sick"  Niall grumbled

"come on its just fruit blended together.  It will clean out your system."  Louis tried to convince Niall

Niall finally agreed downing the mixture.  Within minutes the juice was already taking its effects.  Niall hopped off the couch heading for the bathroom. 

"Louis!!" Niall yelled getting his attention.  

Louis ran to the door of the bathroom, "what?" louis asked concerned

"It worked.." Niall said.

"do you feel better?" Louis asked

"yeah almost 100% just a little sore stomach." Niall said coming out the door.

Louis got all the boys up and drinking the famous juice and after many boys running to the bathrooms throughout the house they were all feeling better.


This was a request! hope it was good?

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