Him and your kid are sick (Louis)

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Kayden: 16


*You had left early this morning leaving Louis to get your son to school.*

Louis woke up hearing his alarm blaring into his skull.

He turned over feeling his stomach turn... Today was not a good day to be sick.

He got out of bed walking into your guys bathroom looking into the mirror.

He looked like absolute shit and knew that he probably shouldn't go into work, risking getting the other boys sick.

He called Liam informing him on his symptoms and letting them know he wouldn't making it into the studio that day.

They totally understood and let him have the day off.

Now to wake kayden.


Louis walked into his 16 year olds room seeing him sleeping.

He shook him slightly," bud, wake up"

"Mmhmhm" he groaned rolling over

"Come on... Wake up" Louis shook him a little harder feeling quite sick and wanting to go lay down

"Mystomachhurts" kayden moaned into his pillow trying to get Louis to stop shaking him

"You don't feel good?" Louis asked

Kayden shook his head.:(

"Me either bud, I think we have the same thing" Louis informed his son

"Your sick too?" Kayden asked finally opened his eyes

They looked blood shot and full of sickness," yeah, I'm staying home" Louis told him

"Okay... Do I have to go to school?" Kayden asked

"No" Louis said patting his back

Louis walked out of the room going to find medicine for him and kayden to take.


Louis walked back into Kaydens room bringing him medicine and a trash bin just in case.

"Here's a bin if you feel sick.. Call me if you need me I'm gonna go lay down" Louis said walking back to the master bedroom.

Once Louis got back to his room he got under the covers curling up on his now very nauseous stomach.

He did not feel very good..:/


Louis woke up not even 10 minutes later feeling like he was going to throw up.

He quickly jumped out of bed sitting by the toilet quickly calling you..

You: hey babe!

Louis: will you come home?

You: why? You okay?

Louis: I think I'm gonna throw up and Kaydens sick too

You: oh babe... I'll be home soon

Louis: okay *sob* *gag*

You: oh shit! Okay babe I'm coming!

Louis: hurry...

Louis threw the phone to the floor quickly leaning over the toilet releasing the contents of his stomach

He continued to vomit his stomach heaving and shivering with each gag.

After a while his heaves changed to dry heaves... He calmed himself down laying down on the cool tile floor waiting for you to get home.


You finally made it home rushing into your shared bathroom finding Louis sprawled out on the floor vomit filling the toilet.:(

You quickly flushed it kneeling by Louis," babe...." You whispered

Louis sat up leaning against the tub," hi.." He whimpered looking at you his eyes glasses over

"You okay?" You asked feeling his forehead for a fever

He shook his head," no... I feel so sick" he moaned

"Alright let's get you to bed so I can go check in Kayden?" You asked helping him up

He followed you to the bed laying down under the covers.

You kissed him on the forehead heading to Kaydens room.


Walking into Kaydens room you found him sleeping with a bucket next to his bed and a half drunken cup of water on his night stand.

You walked toward him," sweetie wake up" you whispered running your fingers through his Hair

Kayden turned over looking into your eyes giving off a small smile:)

"How are you feeling sweetheart?" You asked

"Still pretty bad..." He whimpered rubbing his hand on his bare stomach

"Have you taken anything?" You asked wondering if Louis had given him anything

"Yeah... Dad gave me something earlier" he informed you

"Okay.." You whispered tucking him in

You heard your sons door opening, turning around you saw Louis leaning against the doorway.

"Hey babe! What's up?" You asked walking toward him

"I don't feel good... Will you lay with me?" He asked you looking quite sad

"Yeah babe! I was just tucking in Kayden and making sure he was okay" you told him walking him back to your shared bedroom

You got under the covers with Louis falling asleep with his feverish body next to yours:)


So how was it???? Leave me requests and anything you want!!:)

Love ya


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