He's sick and alone with your kids (Liam)

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"Dad will you take us to dinner?" Your 14 year old daughter asked waking her father from his nap.

Liam had come home from the studio early because of a headache and didn't really wanna get out but you weren't home and your kids needed to eat. So, he sucked it up and got ready to go out


"Daddy why is your face so white?" Your 6 year old daughter asked her dad while in the car

"Um.... I'm feeling a little ill sweetheart." Liam told her

"Why are we going out then?" Your 10 year old son asked

"Because we have to eat" Liam said turning into bravo

"Alright let's go!" Liam said hopping out of the car walking towards the restraunt

Once inside and ordered Liam out up small talk with his kids trying to ease the pain in his head cause he didn't want to get a stomach ache from his headache which normally is what happened.

Liam thought he was starting to feel better.... That's when the food came.

Liam's stomach dropped all the way to his feet and he felt his pizza lunch whirling around in his stomach

Your kids started piling food into their mouths being they were all at swim practice today and had burned off all their food.

Just watching his kids eat made Liam's stomach want to spew all it's contents

"Daddy why aren't you eating?" Your 6 year old asked food falling from her mouth

Liam lost in them and there....

His stomach heaved and he made a mad dash towards the toilets.

Once in the stall he fell to his knees heaving up everything... Not a pretty sight.:/

"Maybe he's sick" your daughter said remembering how her dad had said he wasn't feeling well.

"Y/s/n go check on dad and see if he's okay" your daughter said to her younger brother

"What if he's puking?" Your sin asked

"Come back and tell me" she responded


"Dad.........you in here?" Your son asked cautiously walking into the bathroom

"Ughhhshdbb" he heard from the 2nd stall

Your son walked over opening the stall finding his dad laying with his head on the toilet seat vomit all over the toilet and floor

Your sons stomach turned at the sight." Oh my.... I'm gonna get sis" your son said running out of the bathroom back to the table

"He threw up all over the floor and toilet!" Your son said to his older sister

"Okay stay here with her and I'll go see if I can comfort him" your daughter said walking off quickly to the men's bathroom

Upon entering she went to the stall opening it up avoiding the spilled vomit rubbing her dads back.

"Are you okay?" She asked

"No....... Call Harry to pick us up" Liam said

Your daughter quickly pulled out her phone ringing Harry telling him the whole story! He told you he'd be there in 10 minutes and to get Liam outside

Luckily Liam could hold in his contents walking through Bravo and outside to sit by the car

Liam saw Harry's car pull up next to his

"Need a ride?" Harry said sarcastically

"Very funny just take us home....... I don't feel good" Liam said grumpily

"Alright you good to get in the car?" Harry asked scared Liam would throw up in his new car

"Yeah I don't have anything left to get out" Liam whispered getting in the car after his kids.

Once back home Harry left knowing the kids would take care of Liam and that you would be home tomorrow morning.

Once you got home you were told a long story about how daddy had gotten sick:)


How was it???? Not bad I don't think;)

Love ya


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