He's sick and has to take your kids to school. (Harry)

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I couldn't think of a school one so I'm gonna do he takes your kid to school for a school sport!


You knew leaving Harry with the kids that night was a bad idea. He had stayed home all day because of a fever and some stomach problems but you had to go to your moms birthday dinner.

"Okay kids I need you guys to be quiet cause daddy isn't feeling good and he's trying to rest okay?" You told your 3 children.

"Okay mommy!" They all said in union.

You waked out of the house hoping for the best.


"Daddy.... Daddy you sleepin'?" Your youngest daughter asked her father as she rubbed at his face.

"Yeah baby I'm sleeping what do you need?" Harry asked his daughter

"Um... Coach Mickey called bubba(her brother) and he has to go to a practice game." Your little girl told him.

Harry was regretting letting you leave cause he didn't know if he could make it through a whole game.

"Okay sweetie... Um let me get dressed and then we'll leave." Harry told her.

Once in the car Harry and the kids were on their way to the game!


Sitting in the bleachers for so long Harry was starting to feel that feeling you get in your stomach when your about to be sick.

"Um... I'm gonna go get something from the car." Harry said as his excuse cause he thought he might get sick.

"Daddy can I come with you??" His youngest asked and he couldn't say no to her pouting little face.

Harry walked speedily towards the car feeling the bile rise up his throat. Just as he made it to the car Harry let go of y/d/n and lent down and let everything out.....

Your daughter screamed when she saw her daddy vomit all over the parking lot by the car.

She didn't know what to do but grab for Harry's phone that was in his pocket and call you. Luckily your kids learned your number at a young age.


Daughter- MOMMY!!!

You- baby what's wrong why do you have daddy's phone??

Daughter- daddy sick! He puke on the ground!

You- oh my... Baby are you at home??

Daughter- no mommy daddy took us to a football game!

You- okay are you at the school??

Daughter- yeah...... Oh no daddy pukeded again!

You- okay baby I'm leaving g- mas right now I'll come pick you guys up okay?

Daughter- okay mommy hurry daddy tummy hurt him! He told me.

You- can daddy hold the phone??

Daughter- you heard mumbling then harry: hi?

You- baby are you okay??

Harry- no I'm sick *pukes*

Daughter- mommy I'm gonna help daddy just hurry byeeee!!

The line went silent....


You saw Harry's car and your small daughter standing there. You parked and jogged to Harry.

All you saw was your daughter rubbing Her daddies hair while harry dry heaved on the ground.

"Harry baby you Kay?" You asked the sick boy

"No I wanna go home.." Harry whimpered.

"Okay let's get in the car I have a bag if you get sick. Harry agreed and followed you to the car.

You got your kids in the car along with Harry and gave harry a large bag in which he proceeded to dry heave into the entire ride home:(

Once home you set up a makeshift bed in the bathroom for Harry while your kids headed off to watch a movie and you spent the whole night in the bathroom with your sick husband.


Okay I think this is my favorite story I've written! I really like it and hopefully you do too! Love y'all!!!! Xxx

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