He has a stomachache (Louis)

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You were walking down the stairs to go with Louis to the AMAS.

You got to the end of the stairs when Louis saw you....

"Wow..... You look.. Beautiful!" His eyes beamed looking at you

You blushed," thanks babe, you look very handsome yourself" you responded

You grabbed Louis hand leading him out the door to the limo waiting in the front.

You guys headed down the road when you heard Louis moan softly rubbing his stomach.

"You okay?" You asked looking at him concerned

"Um. Yeah! I'm fine" Louis answered back

"Okay..." You sighed kissing his lips feeling like something was wrong....


You guys pulled up to the awards show meeting up with the rest of the boys.

You walked beside Louis as camera flashes flashed in your face.

You felt Louis pulling you through the crazy crowd inside the building.

"I'm gonna go to the bathroom..." Louis whispered to you leavin you standing with the boys

"Is Louis acting weird to you?" Harry asked you

"Okay! I don't know? He's being really weird..." You informed him

"I'll talk to him..." Harry said walking off to the men's bathroom

You made small talk waiting for Harry and Louis to come back.


After about 10 minutes you saw Harry's curls coming back with Louis behind him.

"Babe you okay?" You asked as Louis took a seat next to you

"Yep! I'm good" he said to you

You looked at Harry and he shook his head no at you.

That's when you heard the first announcers voice boom over the speakers!


You felt Louis shift next to you trying to get comfortable

He had been like this for the past 10 minutes and had already gone to the bathroom 3 times since being here....

You felt Harry nudge your shoulder.

You looked over at him," what?" You asked

He nodded towards Louis as you saw he had his eyes closed and he had his arms wrapped around his stomach.

"Louis... Babe wake up." You nudged him lightly

"Stop..." Louis groaned

"Babe... Your at an award show! Wake up!" You quietly yelled

He groaned looking at you," my stomach hurts..." He whimpered

"Do you feel sick?" You asked concerned

"Yeah..." He shakily told you putting his head in his hands

"Okay... Um do you wanna leave?" You asked not knowing what to do

"Please?" Louis said looking at you with hurt eyes

You grabbed Louis pulling him out of the show with you going to find Paul.

You got it all sorted out with Paul and you guys got a cab to go home.


Once you got home louis went strait to bed feeling really sick.

The boys made sure to come over after the show to show the awards they one and give him get well soon cards:)


That's Louis! I really liked this!

Love ya


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