He gets sick on stage (Louis)

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You were sitting in the back of the bus talking to Zayn when Louis walked in holding his stomach.

You smiled up at him as he sat down in your lap.

You hugged him gently to your chest continuing your conversation with Zayn.

"Y/n........" Louis moaned into your neck getting your attention

"What's up babe?" You asked looking down to Louis

"My belly hurts....." He whimpered snuggling into you more

"What have you eaten today Hun?" You asked trying to figure out what was hurting his stomach.

"We had pizza for lunch" he informed you

"Is that all you've eaten!?" You asked concerned

"Yeah...." Louis said rubbing his stomach

"Babe, you've gotta eat more than that! No wonder your stomach hurts.." You chuckled looking at Louis

"But I'll throw up!" He defended himself

"I think you'll be fine sweetheart" you said pushing Louis off of you to go get him something to eat.


You walked back to the back of the bus where Louis was laying down with his eyes closed and Zayn was playing some video game.

"Louis..... Here eat this." You whispered waking him up showing him the granola bar and cut up apple you had

"I really don't feel very well......" Louis sighed looking away from the food making his stomach turn

"Babe, you've got to eat! You'll feel much better with something in your stomach." You told Louis

"Fine.." Louis grumbled sitting up taking the food from you

You sat next to Louis watching him slowly eat the apple that was on the plate

After he finished the apple he convinced you to let him be done.

You agreed not wanting to make him get sick.


Paul came on the bus announcing that the boys needed to get inside and get ready for the concert.

You walked over to Louis waking him up walking with him slowly into the arena

"Are you feeling any better?" You asked him looking at his sad face

"No... I feel worse." Louis whimpered laying down on the couch in the room

"I'm sorry sweetie.." You said sadly rubbing his back for comfort

"I don't want to do the concert....." Louis sobbed letting tears run down his cheeks.

You quickly kneeled by him wiping his eyes dry.

"Babe... Are you feeling that bad?" You asked concerned that he was feeling pretty bad

"Yeah.." He sighed shakily

"I'm gonna go talk to management.. I'll be right back" you said kissing his warm forehead


You talked to management and explained Louis sickness and they were having none of it.

"He's fine! He isn't even throwing up!" Management raised their voices yelling at you

"He's doing the concert... Period!" They scolded

You walked away to tell Louis the sad news.

Louis didn't take it very well......

As soon as he found out he had to go on stage sick he started panicking!

"Y/n!! I'm gonna throw up!" Louis yelled running for a trash can.

You rubbed his back waiting for something to come up.. Nothing ever did:(

"Sh... Babe your okay.. Don't stress yourself out.." You whispered leading him to the rest of the boys

The boys gave him sad looks rubbing his back as they waited for their que to go on stage.


Louis didn't even make it 20 minutes before you saw him quickly lean down throwing up all over the stage.

You heard the crowd gasp as they saw their idol getting sick on stage.

Liam quickly ran to Louis ushering him off stage where you were holding a trash can for him as he continued to get sick.

"Babe..... Calm down... Take a deep breath" you tried to coax Louis into calming down

Once back on the bus Louis broke down crying on the floor of the bus.

You quickly kneeled by him helping him to a couch to lay down.

"Babe.. Your okay" you tried to reassure louis

"They saw me vomit.." Louis sobbed into your chest

"Shhh.. Babe they still love you.. I still love you." You whispered to him

"I love you too" Louis said closing his eyes

"Yeah.. That's right baby.. Just try and sleep" you said rubbing his stomach calming it


The boys rushed into the bus after the concert asking questions like crazy.

"Boys! Hes gonna be okay.." You informed them


There's Louis! Hope everybody liked it! : D.

Love ya


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