Louis stomach flu

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Alaina: 14

Andrew: 5


You had been home all day working in your office while your kids had the day off from school for a teacher work day.

You were filing your papers when you heard the small voice of your son in your doorway.

"Mommy" the words sounded whimpered and pained

You spun around in your chair,"what's up baby?" You asked as you opened your arms for you little boy

He climbed into your lap whispering,"my tummy hurts"

"Do you feel sick?" You asked holding him close to your chest rubbing his back slowly

He shrugged sniffling rubbing his sleeve across his nose.

"How about we get some medicine and go lay down?" You asked

"Okay mommy" he responded letting you pick him up carrying him toward the bathroom to get some medicine


You had gotten Andrew into bed pouring the medicine into a little cup.

"Alright bud open up" you coaxed bringing the "orange" flavored medicine toward his lips

He drank it down taking his sippy cup from you washing it down.

You took his cup setting it on the nightstand kissing his forehead,"go to sleep sweetheart" you mumbled into the kiss before switching off the light exiting the bedroom leaving the door slightly cracked.

You nearly fell bumping into your daughter that stood by the door.

"Dear God" you breathed placing a hand to your chest

"Need something?" You asked

"Dad wants to talk to you, phone down stairs" she informed you

You nodded making your way downstairs picking the phone up off the counter...

*phone call*

You: hey babe!

Louis: hi

You: everything alright?

Was that a sniffle? Is he crying?

Louis: um.. Can you come pick me up at the studio?

You: yeah, is something wrong with your car?

That's when Louis lost it, he sobbed into the phone making you panic

You: Lou? Baby what's wrong!?

Louis: I-I don't feel good, and my stomach hurts... Pick me up? Please

You: alright calm down... Andrew's not feeling well either. I'm gonna make sure Alaina can watch him and I'll come get you alright?

Louis: okay.. Hurry please

He sounded so desperate:(

You: okay okay I'm coming

*end call*

"ALAINA!!" You yelled up the stairs hoping Andrew didn't wake up

"What!?" She she asked coming to the balcony

"I've got to go pick up dad, make sure Andrew is okay please?" You informed her

"Okay... Wait what's wrong with dad?" She asked furrowing her eyebrows

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