Harry sick

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The past few days hadn't been the best for you or Harry. Your little brother had gotten really sick with the flu and you had volunteered to let him stay at your house and take care of him.

Luckily yesterday he had gotten better and your mom had come and got him which took some weight off your shoulders.

Today you would be able to stay home and just be able to relax.

Or so you thought....


"Y/n...." You could hear the faint sound of your boyfriend Harry trying to wake you

"Hmm?" You groaned annoyed with being woken up so early

"I feel sick.." He murmured and you weren't quite sure you had even heard him right but you turned over toward him anyway

"What?" You asked eyes peaking open

"Just feeling a bit sick" Harry repeated to you

You sat up on your elbows reaching a hand toward his forehead finding it a bit warm but nothing too bad.

"You don't really have a fever.. What's hurting?" You asked moving to sit against the headboard as Harry moved his head to lay in your lap as you nonchalantly ran your hand through his sexy morning hair

"My tummy hurts" he mumbled under his breath resting a hand on his stomach which was being hit with waves of pain

"Do you wanna stay home and not go to the shoot, I'll call Paul?" You asked knowing Harry wouldn't complain if he wasn't feeling bad

"No, no I have to go! The boys will be disappointed." He said not allowing you to call him in sick

"Babe if you're not feeling well you need to stay home" you replied back eyeing him

"I'm fine" Harry quickly said getting out of the bed trying to play it off

But you weren't stupid, you saw the way he stumbled a bit getting out of bed and how his eyes clouded as he stood like he was getting lightheaded at the simple task of standing up.

But Harry does what Harry wants to do so you let him go off to get ready for the day.


You sighed once you heard Harry step out of the shower deciding you should probably go get something made for Harry to eat before he had to leave.

You walked down the stairs sliding into the kitchen on your fuzzy socks standing in front of the fridge trying to decide what you should make him.

Pancakes? Eh, too heavy on the stomach

Eggs and bacon? Too flavorful, might make him nauseous

TOAST! Yeah, simple and won't hurt his stomach any more than it's alreAdy hurting

You grabbed 2 slices of whole grain bread and plopped them into the toaster waiting by the counter for them to pop up.


You reached for the toast putting a light layer of butter on them before placing them on a plate heading up the stairs to yours and Harry's bathroom where he would most likely be getting ready.


"Harry" you sing-songed as you walked into your shared bathroom

"Yes, love?" He asked as you walked in setting the plate on the counter as he shaved his light stubble that lined his jaw

"I made you breakfast" you smiled at your beautiful toast

"Thanks baby girl" Harry smiled as he wiped the excess shave gel from his jaw before placing a light kiss to your lips

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