Narry love

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Love was in the air.

Valentines day was tomorrow and Harry was getting excited for the big, romantic dinner for Niall. He was beyond excited.

Niall layed down that night nice and early so he'd be fully rested as Harry went to bed himself cuddling up to Niall.


*3 AM*

Niall had woken up in the worst state he could think of.....

His stomach was turning, head pounding, and throat on fire. This was not the day to be sick. No, he couldn't be sick on valentines day. Harry was so excited for dinner tonight.

But Niall didn't even know if he could get up.

He let out a whimpered whine when he felt his dinner from last night rise up, but he was quick to swallow it back down.

Niall layed in bed staring at the ceiling trying to get the feeling to pass but it wasn't.

He needed Harry.

"Haz..." Niall whispered just audible to Harry shaking his shoulder lightly

Harry was always a light sleeper and woke up instantly,"Niall? What?" He asked turning to face him

"I need you" Niall whimpered pulling himself toward Harry's arms

Harry pulled him into cuddle,"what's wrong?" Harry asked hearing Niall whimper and whine into his neck

"I feel poorly" Niall mumbled shyly knowing Harry would be upset that Niall couldn't make it to the dinner

"You feel poorly? Oh honey" Harry responded rubbing Niall's back keeping him close

"What's hurting?" Harry asked calmly and lovingly not likening to hear that his baby wasn't feeling well

Niall wasn't really the type to tell you if he was feeling sick, so that he had told Harry he knew it must be something that's really bothering him.

"My belly and my head hurt" Niall whimpered out his answer feeling his throat fill with sick once again, swallowing

"Sweetheart, when did you start feeling ill? Why didn't you tell me?" Harry worried

"I'm sorry... I ruined dinner cause I'm sick and you're gonna be all mad at me, and I'm sorry. I'm sorry." Niall cried and cried

Harry's heart broke hearing Niall cry saying it was all his fault.

"No, no baby. It's okay, we don't have to go out. I'll stay home and take care of you" Harry reassured shushing Niall and trying to bring any sort of comfort

They layed in silence for a few minutes Harry aimlessly grazing his nails over Niall's back while he cried.

Niall broke the silence with a sob.

"Shhh, sweetheart it's okay" Harry shushed

"I wanna go to the bathroom..." Niall whimpered

"Okay, okay come on" Harry hopped out of bed guiding Niall with a hand on his back toward their bathroom


Once in the bathroom Niall squatted down in front of the toilet waiting for the sickness to take over.

Ugh his stomach hurt so bad, he was so nauseous. :(

Harry grabbed a cloth wetting it placing it on Niall's warm neck perching behind him to rub his back.

"I don't wanna be sick" Niall whined out in the quiet, cool bathroom

"I know you don't darling, but you'll feel better once you do" Harry replied sadly moving Niall's lifeless quiff out of the way

Niall's stomach lurched and he gripped the toilet seat till his knuckles were white gagging again.

"Alright baby, shhhh. Take some deep breaths" Harry positioned himself right behind Niall holding onto his waist continuing to rub his bare back

"Har-" Niall was cut short when a wave of nausea washed over him and everything he had eaten yesterday came barreling up his throat making a horrible reappearance.

Niall's back continued to heave up and down expelling everything before he was able to fall back into Harry's embrace.

Harry quickly took a wad of toilet paper cleaning off Niall's mouth, chin, and hands.

"Do you wanna to lay down in bed?" Harry asked holding Niall still in his arms

"I don't think I'm done" Niall answered breathlessly

Harry nodded setting Niall against the wall,"I'm gonna get you a pillow alright?" Harry said before he retreated to the bed to grab Niall and his pillows and a throw blanket.

This was gonna be a long night.


"Baby you sleeping?" Harry asked walking into the bathroom seeing Niall's head rested on the toilet seat his eyes closed

"No.." Came his whimpered rely sitting up a little

Harry layed the pillows on the cold floor helping Niall to lay down before he layed down next to him.

He brought the soft blanket wrapping it around their figures while spooning Niall from behind.

"Feel better love" Harry murmured placing a kiss to Niall's temple

Niall nodded already falling into sleep.

Harry smiled a small smile before closing his eyes himself,"you didn't ruin anything, this is better than dinner, I rlove taking care of you, I love you" Harry said even though he knew Niall was asleep.

Harry swore he saw a small smile appear on Niall's face and that brought him right into sleep.

Cuddling Niall tightly, keeping him safe:)


Another car sickfic! I wrote this one pretty quickly cause I was super bored! Lol I actually came up with this story line myself so I hope you enjoy:)

Love ya


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