He's sick at work (Niall)

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Niall had woken up that morning feeling a little stomachache coming on but he knew they had recording today and it was not a good day to take a sick day.

"Babe...... Are you sure you should go?" You asked knowing this was a bad idea

"I'm sure I will be fine. I think I just have a stomach ache it's nothing big" Niall said pulling on his pants

"Okay...." You said kissing Niall goodbye going to get ready yourself, heading off to your moms.


*At the studio*

"Mate your looking a little green" Louis said ruffling Niall's hair a little

"Yeah I feel a little sick..."Niall sighed feeling like he should have stayed home that day

"You good to keep recording?" Louis asked concerned for the irish lad

"I think so....." Niall said getting a drink of water before going into the recording booth with Harry

Harry's solo was coming to an end and Niall knew he was going to have to start singing soon.

His stomach was whirling and he knew he was gonna be sick soon

As Niall started his solo Harry looked at him cautiously. Probably wondering why he was sounding really shaky.

Niall couldn't take it anymore and he mumbled a,"sorry" before running out of the booth towards the bathrooms.

Harry looked at the other lads as they stood up jogging after him

Harry and the lads opened the bathroom door hearing a hear retching sob:(

"Niall....... Are you okay?" Louis asked walking over to a stall opening it to see the irish babe retching painfully into the toilet

"Oh my....... Zayn call y/n. Tell her to come, Niall's sick" Louis said quickly kneeling down rubbing his back


*phone call*

You: zayn? Is everything okay?

Zayn: not really..... Niall's sick. Do you think you can come take him home??

You: yeah of course, I'll be there in 15 min is he okay?

Zayn: well he's throwing up in the bathroom

You: oh my.......I knew he should have stayed home..... Okay bye see you soon

Zayn: bye



"Should we do something?" Liam asked Louis as they just stood there watching Louis

"Um.... Yeah go meet y/n by the door when she comes she'll be here soon" Louis said as Niall whimpered and leaned back into him

"Okay!" The boys said leaving Louis with Niall


"Y/n!!!!" The boys screamed rushing to you giving you a hug

" hi boys! Where's Niall??" You asked wanting to make him feel better

"Follow us" Zayn said leading you to the bathroom

One you walked into the bathroom your heart broke. Niall was laying down on the bathroom floor as Louis rubbed his back.

"Oh baby....... You okay?" You asked leaning down brushing Niall's hair out of his face

"No..... I wanna go home" Niall whimpered curling up next to you

"Okay we'll go lay down at home" you said as Liam hoisted Niall into his arms carrying him to your hot pink car;)


After the car ride home Niall was sent up to bed while you got him a bucket,water, and some crackers

"Niall how are you feeling?" You asked walking into your shared bedroom setting the stuff down sitting next to Niall

"Really sick...." He whispered curling into a fetal position

"Babe.... Don't lay like that.... Your gonna hurt your stomach" you said pushing him into a spooning position as you were the big spoon

You began rubbing his queasy stomach,"that feels nice.." Niall said laying in your arms

"Go to sleep love. You'll feel better when you wake up" you said hoping you were right.

Once Niall fell asleep you ended up falling asleep yourself waking up to find about 50 texts from the boys asking if Niall was okay or if he died.....

Those sweet boys concerned about their little Nialler:)


I really like this story!!! It's a good length;) hope you like it and suggest things you want to see!!!!

Love ya


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