He's sick at work (Louis)

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Louis and the boys were in the studio all day that day. None of the boys wanted to be there but Louis desperately didn't wanna be there.

He had a headache and it felt like it was turning into a migraine.

He should tell the boys, but management wouldn't let him go home anyway so there was no use worrying the boys


They were recording Little Black Dress when Louis' head burned in pain

"Ugh..". Louis said putting his head In his hands

The music stopped and the boys looked over,"are you okay Louis?" Liam asked rubbing his back

"Yeah just a small headache" Louis said trying to sound normal

"Okay......" Liam said as the music started back up

Once getting done with Little Black Dress Louis knew he wouldn't be able to sing anymore

His head hurt so bad it was making him nauseous

Louis quickly layed on the floor his head on the ground. His head hurt so bad

"Louis......... Maybe you should go home?" Harry said sitting next to him rubbing his sweaty back

"*sob*." Louis sobbed into the ground cause his head hurt he was getting dizzy

"Oh my... Louis look up here" Harry said sternly as Louis flipped over tears steaming down his cheeks

"I'm gonna call y/n to pick you up" Harry said getting up to call you

Louis whimpered turning back over to lay his head on a pillow that Niall had layed on the ground


You: hey harry!

Harry: hey, we need you to come to the studio


Harry: Louis' laying on the floor with a bad migraine and he's feeling sick

You: awww:( okay I'll be there in 10 minutes

Harry: okay thanks love

You: your welcome see you soon

Harry: bye

"Y/n is on her way here" Harry said quietly to Louis not wanting to irritate his head

"Chwjsjr" Louis groaned into the pillow as Harry threw a blanket over Louis' shaking form.


You walked into the studio heading toward the room the boys told you they were in

Upon walking In you saw Louis laying on the floor with a Blanket over his whole body covering his head

Harry motioned for you to be quiet as you stepped toward louis.

"Babe.." You whispered rubbing his back through the blanket

Louis whimpered in response. You gently took the blanket from his head looking at his scrunched up eyes.

"Oh honey....... I'm so sorry:(" you whispered kissing his forehead softly

"Thanks...." Louis whispered putting his hands over his eyes.

"Can Harry carry you to the car babe?" You asked still running his back

"Yeah....... Be gentle.... I hurt" Louis said finally opening his eyes which were blood shot

"Okay baby we will" you said as Harry carefully picked Louis up off the floor

You took the blanket and placed it over Louis' head knowing the sun would hurt his head a lot

Carefully walking outside Harry layed Louis down in the passenger seat laying the blanket over his whole body including his sensitive head


The ride home was mainly quiet besides the occasional whimper from Louis under the blanket.

Luckily Louis could walk inside and he layed himself on the couch carefully pulling a pillow over his head

You grabbed a cool cloth moving the pillow away laying it on Louis head and eyes.

"Tell me if you need anything." You said laying down next to Louis

"Thanks for taking care if me.i love you ."Louis muffled

"I love you too baby..... Go to sleep you'll feel better when you wake up" you said pulling the blanket back over his head


Thanks for all the requests guys!!! I'll try to write them all as soon as possible!

Love ya


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