He's sick and alone with your kids (Niall)

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Niall and you didn't get much sleep that night as he was groaning all night with a migraine. You knew you couldn't stay home though cause you had a huge job interview that you HAD to go to.

Niall woke up to hear his 3 kids fighting over the tv remote or something stupid like that.

He didn't really wanna get up, the thought of getting up made him wanna puke. He opted to text his oldest son.

Niall: hey bud can you guys keep it down I've got a migraine.....

Your son: oh.... Sorry dad I'll get the girls to quiet down

Niall: thanks

Your son: welcome feel better:(

Niall: thanks


Niall tried to get back to sleep but the aching in his head was moving more and more to his stomach and he didn't like it..

"Mhmhmh y/s/n!!!" Niall yelled feeling the bile rise up his throat

Your son ran into the room seeing his dad sitting on the edge of the bed with his hand covering his mouth.

"Shit! Are you gonna be sick?" Your son asked

Niall nodded quickly," call mom I need her..." Niall whimpered getting up walking to the bathroom sitting by the toilet.

Your son grabbed his phone walking into the bathroom rubbing his dads back hoping you could get home before Niall threw up.

If you didn't know Niall has a huge phobia of getting sick himself so throwing up causes much discomfort to Niall.

You picked up on the first ring.

You: hello?

Your son: mom we need you to come home right now!

You: what? Why? Is everything okay??

Your son: dads about to get sick and he said he needs you.

You: oh my..... I won't be able to get home for about 20 min

Your son: well you better hurry he's crying over the toilet!

You: has he thrown up yet??

Your son: no but he can feel it coming soon

You: I need you to get a cool cloth and put it on his neck and rub his back while saying comforting things! He's gonna be crying a lot but you have to do this before I get home.

Your son: okay....... Shit! He just gagged gotta go byeeee!!

The line went dead....


Your son ran over to the sink getting a cloth putting it on his dads neck. He gagged into the toilet a little spit coming up.

"Ahhhh!!" Niall screamed heaving a huge amount of puke into the toilet.

Your son rubbed his back trying to comfort him as he sobbed so loudly he knew his sisters would come in soon.

*daughters walk into the bathrrom*

"Oh my...." Your oldest daughter said looking away

"DADDY!!!!" Your young daughter screamed running over giving him a hug as that made more puke come out.

"What happened!?" Your older daughter asked confused

"I just came in and he said he was gonna be sick and he started throwing up" your son told the girls.


" is mom coming home?" She asked

"Yeah she should be home soon" at that you walked into the bathroom

"Oh baby... You okay" you asked switching places with your son

"No..... I don't feel good" Niall sad

"Okay baby well get in bed okay?" You asked

"Okay" niall sighed as you helped him up

You layed Niall down in bed setting a bucket on the ground as well as getting something to settle his stomach

You were very glad your kids were there to take care of Niall when you couldn't:)


I am soooo sorry 1Dsickfics this was supposed to be up but my neighbors called me and asked me to pick the girls up from their bus stop cause I babysit them:( I'll make sure to have others up faster next time

Love ya


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