He's sick at work (Harry)

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"Y/n my stomach hurts." Harry said to that morning

"Well do you wanna stay home? I'll call Liam" you said reaching for your phone to call Liam

"NO!" Harry said

"I need to go I work" Harry said grabbing his coat kissing you about to walk out the door

You stopped him," Harry, stop. I don't think you should go"

"Y/n I'm fine I think I just ate too fast" Harry said walking to his car

You knew you would get a call later from Harry telling you he needed to go home. But you let him if anyway


Harry was at an interview with the boys waiting for the interviewer to come in to get started

"Liam I don't feel good.." Harry said to Liam as Liam looked at him worriedly

"Are you okay to do the interview? Are you gonna be sick?" Liam asked scared Harry was sicker than he put off

"No I cam still do the interview my stomach just hurts" Harry said to a very concerned looking Liam

"Okay....... But tell me if you feel worse and if you need to leave the interview squeeze my side okay?" Liam told Harry as he nodded his head seeing the female interviewer walk in

Harry politely shook her hand taking a seat next to Liam

As the interview carried on Harry could feel his breakfast whirling around and he was starting to taste bile.

He tried to seem okay but I guess the interviewer noticed him shaking in his seat.

"Harry you okay? You look a little pale." She said inspecting him closely

"Um.....ye.. Yeah." Harry said stumbling over his words

Liam looked at him worriedly and Harry gave a small smile back that Liam just gave his shoulder a light tap

Harry waited 5 minutes and he thought he was going to lose his breakfast right on the floor live

He quickly squeezed Liam's side looking at him like he was going to be sick.

Liam looked at him putting his arm around his back rubbing his back lightly trying to calm his stomach

Harry gripped at his stomach gagging a little. Liam whispered in his ear,"are you gonna get sick?"

Harry nodded putting his fist over his mouth jumping off the couch running off the set

The interviewer looked at Liam and Liam jumped off the couch rushing after Harry

"Well were gonna take a 10 minute break and we'll be back!" She said the camera turning off

"What happened?" The interviewer asked

"Harry's sick right now so I don't think we'll be able to come back today so I think we should get him home" Louis said


Harry was throwing up all over the floor in a random hallway when Liam found him. He quickly rung you

You: hey Liam!

Liam: hey wanna come to the interview?? Harry's throwing up

You: um.. Yeah what happened?

Liam: he threw up all over the hallway

You: alright I'm coming bye

Liam: bye see ya soon

Liam rubbed Harry's back as he kneeled on the ground. The others boys came rushing around the corner

"Shit! Harry what happened?" Louis asked

"Ugh I don't feel good." Harry said heaving onto the ground again

"Y/n is on her way. She's gonna take you home" Liam said trying to reassure Harry


Niall met you at the door leading you to where harry was still sitting by his puke mess

"Babe...... Let's go home" you said helping harry to his feet

He leaned on you almost pushing you over

Once in the car you took Harry back to the house where he could rest and get better for studio work.


That's it for tonight! Hope you like it???!!! Give me suggestion

Love ya


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