Tummy bugs (Larry)

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"My belly..." Harry mumbled sadly as he wrapped his arms around his tender stomach, as if wrapping his arms around the nauseous organ would protect it from feeling any sicker.  Harry had been complaining off and on about his stomach hurting since that morning and as it neared dinner time in Louis and Harry's household, Louis wondered if maybe Harry was coming down with something. 

Louis hadn't taken it too seriously when Harry had woken up earlier than usual mentioning that his tummy was feeling a little iffy and the 7:00 am. that was written onto their bedside clock didn't even phase him because honestly Harry was always up early, giddy and all, arguing that "it was motivating!" to be that happy and awake so early. 

It had worried him slightly whenever Harry had suddenly mentioned something about his stomach feeling off again later on whenever Louis was feeling a little more awake, around noon.  Louis was drinking tea, perched up on the counter and Harry had been eating his avocado toast and then as if a switch had turned on he was mumbling a "be right back" as he headed in the direction of their bedroom. 

Louis continued standing their, enjoying the silence of the afternoon, when he realized it had been nearing 4 minutes that Harry had been gone, toast long forgotten, and Louis set his tea down to go investigate. 

In their bedroom Louis noticed the door leading to their bathroom was open but showed that the light was on, so he headed in.  He found Harry sitting on the toilet, pants & briefs on the floor around his feet, with his head in his hand. 

With furrowed brows Louis asked," You okay baby? What's going on?"  Harry shot his head up with a start, not realizing that Louis had walked in.  Harry had a grimace on his face, and seemed to be sweating an unnatural amount. 

"It's my stomach again.... I don't know what's going on, I feel really bad."  Harry groaned out as he clenched his stomach, then let it relax with a deep exhale.  He was flushed and didn't look very well and judging by the way he was on the toilet, he seemed to be having some bowel issues. 

"Did you have diarrhea? Can I get you something that you can take?" Louis asked concerned for his fiancé.  They were long past the stages of being embarrassed to mention these types of things around each other and Louis just wanted to do something that could help his love.  He was clearly in some sort of pain. 

"Yeah, and it hurt really bad." Harry whimpered out,"Can you get me some medicine?" He whispered the last part brokenly just wanting something to relieve his stomach. 

Louis went to their medicine cabinet in the bathroom pulling out various upset stomach and diarrhea medication that Harry actually quite frequently used.  Louis knew that Harry had a weird tummy and he got upset stomachs easily so although he was concerned, this seemed just like a normal upset tummy that Harry dealt with frequently. 

He dished out an upset stomach pill and a bowel relaxer that would hopefully calm his bowels, and handed them to Harry with a small cup of water from their sink.  Harry took them quickly before finishing up his business and heading back for their bed. 

Harry curled up on their bed, pulling Louis pillow into his stomach to give him something to put pressure on his belly.  Louis closed their blinds so that the room would darken and Harry could rest, and hopefully get some sleep.  Sleep was usually the key to Harry's tummy issues, and Louis assumed this one would be no different and left the room to let him rest. 

Now it was later and Harry had woken up from his 2 hour nap feeling much better, no sign of stomachache in sight.  He was glad, but noticed that he still seemed to feel a little lethargic but assumed it was because he had just woken up.  He climbed out of bed slowly, walking through the house, in just his boxer briefs, in search of his lovely fiancé. 

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