He wakes you up at night sick (Niall)

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Niall had gone to sleep before you that night, but you weren't too concerned cause he had had a pretty busy week the past week.

You heard a light voice in your ear, "y/n.......y/n.......?" 

You slighly opened your eyes humming in response.

"Y/n I don't feel so well..." Niall whispered to you

You quickly sat up in bed turning to face Niall and you were met with a very pale and sweaty face.

"oh my.... Niall are you okay?" you asked concerned as you felt his burning forehead

"No... i think im gonna be sick" Niall groaned

"oh baby... okay lets go to the bathroom so you dont get sick on the bed okay?" you whisperd helping Niall out of bed and walking to the bathroom.

You sat Niall in front of the toilet getting a wet cloth to place on his neck.

"I dont like this" Niall groaned leaning on you for some support.

"Niall you need to let it out." You told Niall knowing holding in vomit only made you feel sicker.

"but my stomach hurts...." Niall groaned leaning over the toilet quickly gagging into the bowl letting out all the food he had ate from the last year.

You rubbed Niall's back in soothing circles as he continued to let everything out, "shhhh.shh" you said soothingly

"Ugh.. this is horid." Niall grumbled leaning away from the toilet to flush away the contents.

"Does your stomach feel better?" you asked

"Noo...... It still hurts and i have a headache." Niall told you

You got up to get some headache medicine and something to soothe his weak stomach.  You walked back into the room with a piece of toast.

Niall's stomach clenched at the sight of food. He was not going to eat that!

" Here babe try this it should calm your stomach" you said handing the toast to Niall

He looked at it skeptically before taking a small bite from the corner of the bread.  He gagged a little as the bread went down his throat.

After eating half the toast Niall could feel the toast trying to find it's way back up.  He shoved himself to the toilet heaving up the bread.

"Niall.... You good?" you asked as you started rubbing his back again.

" yeah but please... no more food." Niall told you

"okay babe but lets go back to bed and rest" you said helping Niall up to the bed and pulling the covers over his shivering body.

"thanks for taking care of me" you heard Niall say before he drifted off into sleep.

You kissed his head falling asleep rubbing his stomach easing away the pain.


This was a fun request.  Ill have the other ones up soon!

Love ya   xxx

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